club_cafe: Re: A wash expense??
Lynn, I did understand your question, and I gave you the correct responses. I just failed to explain the reasoning. From the standpoint of your club's members, the annual $14 NAIC fee is a potential tax deduction (investment expense - miscellaneous itemized deductions). What you ...
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Juan's "Collection Cop"
Juan, I just reread your response to my question and I was flabbergasted that your club would need a collection officer! It's hard work keeping a club successful--especially for the long term. It has to be run like a business, or it just won't make ...
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club_cafe: A wash expense??
>>Situation: NAIC club member dues were due. Two members were absent, and forgot to forward their checks to the meeting. The club covered this expense for them, and they have since paid the club back. >>Where do these transactions go? Do I debit, then credit, ...
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A wash expense??
Situation: NAIC club member dues were due. Two members were absent, and forgot to forward their checks to the meeting. The club covered this expense for them, and they have since paid the club back. Where do these transactions go? Do I debit, then credit, ...
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club_cafe: Happy Birthday!
I am very surprised the Bivio did not make this weeks Barron's list of top websites. I do recall that Bivio did get a favorable mention in Barrons in a separate story. I can think of no other web based system that is as easy ...
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Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Bivio, Happy Birthday to you! Congratuations on 4 years of club accounting success. And to think, you were voted the least likely to succeed by some of your competition! <G> The subtle changes you ...
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club_cafe: RE: Due Collection
I checked with several banks in the Chicago area and I could not find one that would be cost effective. Even a $1 or $2 per transaction on a $50 to $100 per month member investment would eat into your returns. There seems to be ...
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Long distance members
Hi Rob and all, I know I've been in hiding for awhile, but I've had some changes. I've moved cross-country, away from my club but they still want to let me be a member. The problem is we do not have procedures to deal with ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Master Limited Liability Partnerships (MLLP)
>>Has anyone here ever purchased stock in an MLLP?? Our club is thinking of buying one and I was wondering what others have thought. I do not know alot about MLLP's and am unfamiliar with the way they work. In general, I would advise against ...
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club_cafe: Due Collection
>>I am the Treasurer for my Investment Club and I was wondering how other groups are collecting their monthly dues. Currently, I am having each memeber mail me the check and I consolidate them to send into our broker. It's a total pain and I'm ...
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Master Limited Liability Partnerships (MLLP)
Has anyone here ever purchased stock in an MLLP?? Our club is thinking of buying one and I was wondering what others have thought. I do not know alot about MLLP's and am unfamiliar with the way they work. Thank you, Jay LA MIGRA
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LM ERICSSON TELEPHONE rights transaction
Our Club exercised the rights offered by ERICY for 120 units for $ 50.40 plus a $25.00 transaction fee. We cannot find a choice in the Investment sub-titles to use to record the transaction. Can anyone please help.
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Joining a club
I am interested in joining an investment club. I live in the southeast, and would like to join a club in the southeast if possible. It can be an online club if available. Thank you.
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having trouble uploading an ssg
I can not seem to upload an .ssg from stock analyst plus to Bivio. My scenrio is I get the upload screen and browse for the file which is A:\bbby.ssg, which I find. I then have to name it and I just want to name ...
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club_cafe: Deleting Escrow Account
>>I established an Escrow account to hold monies for members that would be away for awhile. When I deleted the amount ($250.) it appeared in my Fdelity Investmdent account which throws my balance off by $250. How can I delete the $250.? in faxct, how ...
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