Uploading Petty cash
Hi - I looked thru several archive articles on Petty cash handling in Bivio but still have a question. My club uses nca v1.04. We use the petty cash to pay non-deductible expenses. Can we upload our files to Bivio as is? Or do we ...
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How to get a member registered for stockup investment club
Janet Welsh ( is a member of the stockup investment club but is not registered with ID and password. How do we correct this?
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Tax Agency
Our club is less than a year old so we have not gone through the process of including the club in our taxes. Can anyone recommend an preparation agency/company which might be familiar with investment clubs?
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With the change in goodwill accounting procedures that companies are now adopting, how does one compare past, present and future results in revenue and eps?
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New club - 1065 & k-1's
Hello. We are new and need to know the procedure for filing tax returns. K-1 to all memebers, correct? 1065 is a summary of k-1 to go to IRS, correct? Do we get our forms from Bivio or should we get on our own? If ...
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tax forms
When will I be able to print my tax forms??? IRS has forms available My club meeting is tomorrow and I like to be prompt with tax info to my members. If bivio expects delays I want to cancel my tax season subscription. Please advise.
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Groups as partners and taxes
Please help! We have 20 partners in our club. 5 of the partners are actually groups that consist of three or more people. Only one of the groups actual has their own TIN. As the club treasurer, how should I report to the IRS for ...
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Paid treasurers
Our club has been operating 18 months and have just installed new officers. We are discussing "paying" our treasurer and would like some input from other clubs that pay their treasurer - are there any legal ot tax considerations? Should we add the agreed upon ...
5 messages
Need Referral ID
I need to sign up & need someones club ID. 1st one to reply I'll use your ID as our referral. Next one to sign up use our club ID as your referral. Our club ID: suncoast Thank you Have a nice day.
4 messages
Publicly Traded Partnership
Tried this question once before, but perhaps someone new is reading this time Our investment club owns two publicly traded partnerships, is there anyway to account for the K-1 income/(loss) items in bivio, or do I just need to account for the stock price and ...
2 messages
Valuation and Taxes
Quick Question to see if my thinking is right. Best way to explain is probably an example. ** -Everyone puts in $50.00 each month but it may vary on the specific day so we have decided to use the Valuation date of the last day ...
2 messages
Uploading info to Bivio
Part of the narrative if the help files about privileges, contains the following: Regular partners (Secretary and Member) have limited privileges. They can view personal data of Guests and Members (except social security numbers), upload files, and receive messages sent to your club's mail address ...
2 messages
Historical P/E Ratios
When making decisions about buying stock, most members in my club (especially me) believe in the importance of a company's P/E Ratio, especially in relation to where that company's Ratio is compared to it's historical range. I recently found an awesome graph that showed the ...
1 message
What sector should prospere the most in the next two months to come?? Christine Landry-Finance student_Universite de Moncton Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.
3 messages
Cool Add-ons
Hi folks! Many of us are using Bivio's capabilities to upload our club website. I found some add-ons that I thought others might enjoy! Network54 has free message boards, chat rooms and polling booths that you can link to your club's website. We don't need ...
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