Remove Members
We have a couple of members who want to withdraw from the club. The remaining members have decided to buy out their portion with cash to save broker fees for liquidating shares. How do we deal with this in the member roster and accounting? I ...
2 messages
club_cafe: What type of business
Even though my club is an LLC, I don't believe there is any advantage to this structure. In some states, you do NOT want to be an LLC because there are steep annual fees. Here in NJ, it costs us $50/year to keep our LLC ...
1 message
club_cafe: What type of business
We formed as a partnership in 1996 and have had good results under this structure. We received a federal tax ID and I have always completed the Partnership Tax returns as required. All members receive a 10-K each spring and report any club dividends and ...
1 message
What type of business
We are a trying to start a new club and would like to hear any ideas about what type of business do we start? We are thinking a Limited Liability Company is our best option. Any other thoughts or ideas?
1 message
How do I record the Citigroup change? We have 85 shares of C, but now also have 3 shares of TAP/A and 7 shares ofTAP/B. They were added to our account without us doing anything. We also received cash ($9.35 and $8.01) in lieu of ...
3 messages
A couple of issues with the TABa and TABb spin off. 1) I am getting a price of $5.035 on the TAPa and I see it was trading at over $15.00 2) We received 6 shares and $2.42 ' cash in lieu". When I enter ...
1 message
ON LIne Brokerage
We are a new family investment club just forming which will be setting u a brokerage acct shortly. Notice several negative comments regarding e-Trade; any comparisons or comments on Ameritrade or Waterhouse?
5 messages
club_cafe: Re: worthless stock
you could try writing to buyandhold and telling them to dispose of the shares. if you legally abandon the property, you may claim a loss. But buyandhold would have to remove the shares from your account for no consideration. I don't know if they would ...
1 message
club_cafe: Re: worthless stock
>>I've had a sell order at BUYandHOLD for over 5 weeks (over 75 trading windows) and no one is buying! In my mind, that is worthless. That's one of the problems of dealing with a deep discount broker. A full service broker would buy them ...
1 message
club_cafe: worthless stock
>>We have a stock Exodus that is now worthless. The company is in bankruptcy proceedings. It is a very low investment - less than $100.00, but it is bugging us to see the 98% loss on our NAV. >>What is the correct way to take ...
2 messages
worthless stock
We have a stock Exodus that is now worthless. The company is in bankruptcy proceedings. It is a very low investment - less than $100.00, but it is bugging us to see the 98% loss on our NAV. What is the correct way to take ...
1 message
Anybody else planning to put a website on Bivio??
Hello all, My club, Crow River Investment Club, is one many who have chosen to use Bivio's club accounting program. And like many others, we have learned how to take advantage of the Files section and the message board available to each of us. But ...
2 messages
Is the Adviser working for you, or the company they represent?
Dear Forum members, I have found your forum interesting. Just want to bring to question so-called professional financial advice. Are Financial Advisers working for the highest possible return for your investment? - Or is the Adviser taking you into an investment that will give him/her ...
1 message
% of participation
In our club we have a max of 20 members allowed. We have 19 now. We meet once an month and have the same 6 to 8 members that attend. About the same 10 members each month invest in shares in the club. Is this ...
4 messages
E-Trade Brokerage
Has anyone out there using E-Trade noticed that they are always coming up with new fees. Just openned up one of their no fee IRAs earlier this year. Guess what, it is no longer a no fee, $25 Service fee imposed. To leave costs $50. ...
2 messages