We are an older club and members have come and gone.A We have two original members and two others A that joined shortly.A Four of us own 70% of the club assets.A As club treasurer it does concern me a little bit.A Should we just ...
My investment club originally had an account with e-Trade. Everything was fine untill Morgan Stanley purchased e-trade. The fact that morgan stanley misled us all, the waste of time spent trying to correct what they deemed inadequate, their lack of communication, and leading us all ...
All, I recorded a cash and stock withdrawal separately, because they were done in two separate months. I need to delete the stock withdrawal and re-enter it to include fees that were deducted. I assume I can just delete the stock withdrawal in the transaction ...
My club of almost 24 years recently disbanded and the remaining 4 partners (including me) took our full withdrawals in stock. I have been the Club Treasurer since we formed it. Can someone please point me to where I can get some information concerning how ...
I just tried to make a trade in our club's account (at Schwab) and received a message that the purchase order was blocked for this account. The account had sufficient purchasing power to make the trade. When I spoke with a representative, I was told ...
Ira, Thanks for warning Had you previously been with TDA? Bob Ford From my Kindle On March 12, 2025, at 11:50 AM, "ira smilovitz via bivio.com" <user*2883400001@bivio.com> wrote: I just tried to make a trade in our club's account (at Schwab) and received a message ...
Hello, Is there a way to update cost basis to match 1099 B? Some of the stocks purchased before we had Bivio (2018) have incorrect cost basis (lower than reported on 1099-B). Fyi: I've tried adjusting the investment via lot . (Accoutng>Investment).
Hello, When you pay a withdrawing partner in part stock and part cash, how do I select the stocks to distribute on a LIFO (last In first out) basis in Bivio. Because I believe Bivio uses FIFO ( first in first out) basis. Sharon Fountain ...
We are incorporated in New Hampshire but have a member who moved to Maine, which has a personal income tax. Will we need to file in Maine? On Sun, Mar 9, 2025 at 3:34a¯PM Anat Benjamin via bivio.com <user* 22119300001@bivio.com > wrote: My club has ...
What state is your club registered in?A You need to file in that state. John RIce On Sun, Mar 9, 2025 at 12:34a¯PM Anat Benjamin via bivio.com <user* 22119300001@bivio.com > wrote: My club has members living both in NY and/orA Florida. A Is there a ...
My club has members living both in NY and/or Florida. Is there a tax advantage to using a Florida address for the club vs New York. Is there a tax benefit to the club members?
In 2022, we purchased TTE (foreign stock). The cost basis as reported in trade confirmations is $29,998.62, the same as what Bivio imported. We sold the stock this year and the cost basis reported to the IRS by the Brokerage is $30,088.61. The difference is ...
How do we handle an ordinary dividendA in Bivio? It is included in Box 1A of the 1099-DIV. I don't see an option for an ordinary dividend, only a qualified dividend or special circumstances. This is described as a Pr Yr Cash Dividend for GE ...
In preparing my 2024 tax return, I am getting the following error from Turbo Tax when processing my K-1. Box 13 contains code AE with a dollar amount for expenses. The same item and dollar amount is also in Box 20 as Code B. This ...
Does anyone know if Air Lease has announced if any 2024 dividends will be reclassified as Return of Capital? I did not see anything for 2024 on their Investor Relations https://airleasecorp.com/investors/stock-information