Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Bivio,
Happy Birthday to you!

Congratuations on 4 years of club accounting success. And
to think, you were voted the least likely to succeed by some
of your competition! <G>

The subtle changes you mention in your newsletter surely are
subtle. I didn't even notice them until you brought them
up. We are looking forward to all things new and exciting
from Bivio this next year.

We at Crow River Investment Club especially want to thank
you for giving us such a great hub for our website. We're
storing all our assignments, Power Point presentations,
minutes, forms, SSGs, stock reports, etc. on our website,
and we're not experiencing the typical congestion that
happens on other free servers.

Keep up the good work! Good luck in 2003!

Lynn Ostrem, Webmistress
Lynn Ostrem writes:
> Keep up the good work! Good luck in 2003!

Thanks, Lynn.
