NAV report
I know we've discussed getting a graph of a club's NAV over history and it isn't practical. But would it be possible to just get a daily spreadsheet? obviously the numbers are in the bivio system, because i can get valuation reports from any day ...
3 messages
Departing member
We have a member that resigned resulting in 15 remaining. One of the 15 has not attended a meeting or contributed financially for 4 months. At our meeting, we discussed buying out the departing member by transferring her units equally among the remaining members and ...
2 messages
No t getting the whole page?
When I go to print out copies of our valuation sheet in our report section I don't get the whole page. I don't get the last colume the (percent of Total) I never had a problem before and I tried to fit to scale but ...
2 messages
Member buyout
At our last meeting, we added a 14th member to our investment club. This month, we had a member that had to resign. Our bylaws allow for a member buyout and our club voted unanimously to allow the new member to buyout the exiting member. ...
2 messages
Accounting for Mcleod USA shares
Our club initially held 240 shares of McLeod USA. On May 14th, MCLD did a .058584 to 1 reverse stock split. On May 20th, our club was charged a "Mandatory Reorganization Fee of $20. Our Ameritrade statement shows the 240 shares as: McLeod USA Contra ...
2 messages
Our club just received 22 shares of Agere and a few dollars from the Lucent/Agere spinoff. Some of the cash was for fractional shares of preferred stock and some was for fractional shares of common. Any advice on how to enter this transaction in to ...
2 messages
socially resposible investing
Is there any tool or website that can help point me in the direction of socially responsible investment options. it is hard to gage these factors from the traditional sources of information on the internet.
4 messages
Member Withdrawal question
We recently had a member withdraw from our club. I entered the full withdrawal, in cash, and it processed okay. The withdrawal report was there for me to print. The problem I have now is I will be paying this member off with a club ...
2 messages
Citigroup to buy Golden State Bancorp
Our Club owns shares of GSB. We have never been involved in a buyout before. When we receive the shares of C, do we own them from the 1st date we bought GSB or the date of the buyout? We did the SSG on Citibank. ...
2 messages
Member buyout?
Our club has a memeber that is withdrawing. Another member is interested in buying out his units. Is it possible to do this, or do units get divided proportionatly among all members? This will be a cash transaction and no stock will be involved. I ...
2 messages
member removal
I am preparing my club taxes after filing a request for more time. How do I remove 4 members who left the club before we purchased any stock. Even if I keep them for this taz return, how do I remove them for next year. ...
2 messages
Amending Partnership Agreement
How can I go about amending our partnership agreement when a member fully withdraws or when we add a new member??? Do we reprint and have everyone resign?? Do we just add an amendment page with the new member for his/her signature?? What about the ...
2 messages
Fee's vs. Member contributions...
Is there anyway that I can go back and re-input fees as member contributions without messing up the 2001 tax year??? And without having to file amended 1065 and K-1's??? They were deposited in Oct. 2001. -Jay LA MIGRA
2 messages
Just looking around
1 message
Club Credit Card
In the years that we have had our club, situations have arisen where we need to pay for expenses with a credit card. What usually happens is that I use my personal card and reimburse myself from the club account with a check. I think ...
4 messages