Moving Shares Around
This question is to anyone that can help. Our group is presently working to move our shares of INTC stock from the holding company (Computershare) to our broker (BuyandHold), because we believe it's no longer DRiP friendly. But I'm wondering what happens to the cost ...
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Do you have to file if you have no capital gains or losses?
Do I have to file if I do not have any gains or losses to report. I was thinking that you didn't have to file if your income was less than x amount of dollars.
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Datek/ Ameritrade
When will Datek users be able to utilize the Accountsync feature? This would be extremely helpful. Thanks Rob
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where to file taxes
Hi, Would appreciate a response to this one question. Where do we send our form to. What is the address for a partnership sending in from Michigan. Thanks.
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Voting on stocks ?
Our club is having trouble finding a way to vote on our stock picks. Can I have some suggestions on how other clubs choose their stocks? ex. How many stocks are being decided on? How do you actually vote? Is there a % of vote ...
4 messages
Club Taxes
My club originated in Rhode Island. When we started our club in 1998 I had my lawyer review our partnership agreement. At that time he said all we have to do is have each partner sign the agreement and keep it filed. He said that ...
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Stellar Stock Picks
Thought I'd share this with other investment clubs out there in Bivio land. Our club has done extremely well with the small cap stocks profiled in the newsletter. They have a free trial you can sign up for on their site, but the subscription/membership ...
1 message
Rebate for Marketable Orders
Our club uses Datek and occasionally we get credits to account referred to as a "rebate for marketable orders". They explain what it is but I'm not sure how to categorize the when I identify it as income. Any suggestions? Jim Tinsman Auric Investment Partnership
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My AccountSync is not updating properly or timely. Is there something I can do to make sure it updates? Thanks The Adair Investment Club
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401-K Rollovers
Yes people it is that time of year again! I had a 401-k at my former employer and I have since become self-employed. I froze the 401-k 2 years ago when I left. What can I roll it to, a variable annuity perhaps? If that ...
1 message
401-K Rollovers
Yes people it is that time of year again! I had a 401-k at my former employer and I have since become self-employed. I froze the 401-k 2 years ago when I left. What can I roll it to, a variable annuity perhaps? If that ...
1 message
Gekko Worldwide Partners needs some help. Would anyone have an idea on how to enter this transaction with Intimate Brands and The Limited? It is an exchange, but is it treated as a merger, spinoff or something else? I know that the ratio is 1.10 ...
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I am trying to use my AccountSync. On my club site I looked at the 5 options under Accounting, the 6 options under Administration, and the 2 options under Communications. Somebody give me a clue where 'AccountSync' for my club can be found! Thanks, Joe
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Hi how can i adjust an entry if my stock is not trading anymore. Thank You. Raju
3 messages
club_cafe: Tax season help....
please quit sending me email, can you notify everyone from the club cafe to stop sending me stuf, i DO NOT use or take advantage of what ever you send me. Thank you, Zack Image by >From: "Barbara J. Molloy" >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe" ...
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