California Tax Forms
Below is the link for the CA form 565 for partnerships. I went to the Franchise website, and for some reason, I could not find this form. I only found 39 pages of instructions on HOW TO FILE THE FORM ELECTRONICALLY!
1 message
What Forms get Filed with the Federal & State
I am new at tax handling for the club. What forms do I send to the Federal IRS. I suspect we would file more than just the 1065? Are there any attachements that should go along? Steve Hannemann
4 messages
Cost basis of shares purchased through a DRIP
Hi, Is it possible to use bivio to calculate the cost basis of shares purchased through a DRIP. I have transactions from 1997 that I need to go through to calculate my cost basis. Appreciate your response! Thanks, Murali
2 messages
General File Question regarding SSG
Hi there! The other day, I uploaded an SSG file to the general files section of my website. When someone mentioned that they couldn't download it properly, I went back to look. The file, while uploaded as an SSG (say, FDS.ssg) is being converted to ...
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Taxes and reporting reinvested dividends
After entering 2001 records and generating the 1065 I noticed the reinvested dividends are not on the 1065 or the K1's. Did I enter the dividends incorrectly or are they not recognized?
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Report Questions
Is there a way to generate a report of the unit price over time and compare it to the the Dow?
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dividend, cash-in-lieu and taxes
I am trying to review my taxes and have a mis-match between BIVIO and my brokerage (BUY&HOLD). I had shares of picturetel converted to polycom with an exchange of stock plus cash. The cash amount is not coming out on the tax forms. Should it ...
6 messages
I have had trouble with my password. I doesn't work.
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Member Performance Report?
Our club has 3 members who joined October 2001. Under the Annualized Internal Rate of Return column in the Member Performance Report it has these 3 members listed as NA. Could you explain why it has NA for these 3 members? Thanks Brent Tooth and ...
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member buyout
I've done a search to try and find the answer to this question with no luck. I have a member who wants out. I found someone to buy him out. the member's worth is not the issue, rather the physcial removal of the old member's ...
2 messages
It would have been depressing last year but would it be possible to have a graph showing 'Value of one unit'? I know that is asking a lot. If that's too much, how about a page showing the 'Value of one unit' on a daily, ...
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club_cafe: dividends reporting
Hi Elizabeth, I'm not sure about your question, but if it has something to do with buy&hold and its cash-in-lieu maybe I can help. Now you state: >I have several small dividends that also have cash-in-lieu >transactions. I use Buy&Hold and since you can purchase ...
2 messages
Bivio Transaction list alignment with Tax forms.
My club subscribed to Bivio for the first time this year and we've used the tax printing to complete our 1065 and K-1's. We ran into a problem trying to match some REIT transaction categories with the current categories that Bivio offers. Keeping in mind ...
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change of e-mail address
can you change my e-mail address from: or to:
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How does your club handle voting when the club has many members with just half of the capital account of the others?
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