E-mail coming to home E mail
When did it begin that all Club Cafe messages come to home E mails? Is there a reason for that happening. Sometimes there are a lot of messages.!!! I guess I can set up a way to get them into a folder, but it made ...
5 messages
Setting Up Account Sync
Maybe I'm just lost but we have the account sync subscription this year. As much as I have read about it - I can't find anything that gives me the clear instructions for how to get our broker account linked up with bivio. Where do ...
3 messages
Restricting e-mail posting.
We have some members that are clogging up our mail center with unrelated messages. Is there a way I can restrict them from posting yet they can recieve mail through Bivio re Club issues. Is there a gag button in Bivio that I have not ...
3 messages
Excellent support by bivio
As treasurer of the Dollars and Sense I/C I introduced our club to the NAIC on-line accounting program. Up until we adopted the NAIC on-line program, the previous treasuere had been using a neandrathral version of Club Accounting and preparing the IRS tax return and ...
1 message
Club Dissolution
My club dissolved late during 2006. I'm trying to complete the final part-year tax return. When I click through to prepare the 2006 return, I am not prompted to begin preparing the return (maybe forms are being uploaded?). Unfortunately, my subscription ends 1/20/07 and I ...
2 messages
Incorrect Cost Basis in Capital Gains and Losses Report
I have shares of MOT that were purchased prior to starting the Bivio account. The cost basis that was entered is different than what is shown in the Capital Gains and Losses Report. Can someone give me guidance on how to fix this?
2 messages
Investments: recent import
Help! I successfully imported info to our new bivio account. However, on the Investments page some of our closed positions still appear as being active in the portfolio. What do I need to do to close these securities? Thank you.
4 messages
Exporting/Importing CAO files
Ok, Gang! I must have had too much egg nog over the holidays! I am having a terrible time trying to export my CAO files to our new bivio account! Could someone please point me in the right direction? I'm tired of running around in ...
7 messages
Posting Valuation Reports for members
Hello, I am new to Bivio, and now have the accounting pretty much figured out. Presently I am pasting the monthly reports into Word and then sending them back out to members, or posting them directly into an email. This seems inefficient. For my New ...
5 messages
California State Tax forms
We have released California state tax forms. We've had this in beta test the last few years. This is the first general availabilty release. Of course, there is no extra charge for US state tax forms at bivio, and they are available to test in ...
2 messages
Account Sync
Our Club pays Bivio $100.00 a month for their service. It is really nice to turn on the computer in the morning and everything is up to date. Just had a problem with their service, but it was resolved after to many E-Mails and a ...
5 messages
Bank Account
Sorry Rob our Club agrees with L.Ostrem. In this day and age their is free checking everywhere. We did once upon a time send the member checks to TD Waterhouse (now TD Ameritrade). Three times we came up with a problem. When you sent your ...
1 message
New Club
We will be funding our Ameritrade account right after the 1st of the year. We are in the trial version now but need to subscribe to Bivio ActiveParnership, AccountSync, and Accountkeeper. My question is about Accountkeeper- Do I pay for that now for 2008 taxes? ...
2 messages
club_cafe: When's it do?
In a message dated 12/22/2006 9:21:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: That has been my question!! I paid it in December. Bivio acknowledged it was paid and that I was good until Jan 2008. If I was not active in Club Cafe, I would ...
2 messages
When's it do?
Ok, I understand the price increase, but our club already paid $69.00 for 2007. When's the additional $30.00 due? Debi
4 messages