Foreign Taxes and AccountSync
TD Ameritrade does not include the gross dividend amount, or the tax witheld, for foreign securities until it issues the monthly statement. Therefore, when AccountSync sweeps the daily activity of Ameritrade accounts it picks up only the net amount of the dividend because that is ...
6 messages
Documents to attach when filing 1065 return
Hello, What documents if any (1099s recevied from broker/bank) are required to be attached to the 1065 return when filing ? Thank you.
2 messages
Investing in a Partnership
Does the bivio accounting tax program handle a club's investment in a partnership such as Buckeye Partners LP (BPL)? Is the club's broker responsible in reporting to the club the correct taxes due when the club submits to them a copy of the K-1 received ...
2 messages
Stock Splits and account sync
Does account sync take care of splits? NKE split yesterday but it is not reflected in our account. How long does this take if account sync does it for us? My main concern is that we would have a bum evaluation if we used todays ...
2 messages
Foreign Taxes
When are foreign taxes paid on dividends? Each quarter we receive qualified dividends from CNI (Canada) and TEVA (Israel). Sometimes the foreign tax is included in the dividend statement and sometimes it's not! Shouldn't each quarterly dividend from a foreign security include a tax? Or, ...
1 message
buying out withdrawing member
What is the best way to buy out the shares of a withdrawing member. We would rather do this than sell any of our stock. Any advice would be great! Thanks
3 messages
club_cafe: buying out withdrawing member
In a message dated 4/1/2007 3:32:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: What is the best way to buy out the shares of a withdrawing member. We would rather do this than sell any of our stock. Any advice would be great! You don't "buy ...
1 message
My investment club is a member of bivio, I was trying to join & it ask for the authorization code. What is that????
8 messages
Is there a way to generate a transaction ledger in chronological order for a specified period of time, other than a year, that is not broken down by cash account, investments, members, etc.? I like to pint of copy of each month's ledger and staple ...
4 messages
Valuation Dates
In starting our club, we need to decide about setting valuation dates. Floating valuation dates are easier with AccountSync, but there are two problems I see - one minor, the other major. Minor - deposits made at different times in the same month may buy ...
4 messages
Another fee question
Just getting the hang of being treasurer. Let's say we institute a penalty fee for a late payment. John Doe is late with a payment and we charge him $20. He writes a check and it is recorded as a fee into the Brokerage account ...
4 messages
club_cafe: Partnership investing in another partnership
In a message dated 3/28/2007 1:08:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: my general partnership has invested in shares of SGU, SGU itself is a partnership and we got the K-1. How do I use the SGU's K-1? Should I enter the details of SGU's ...
2 messages
Partnership investing in another partnership
Hi my general partnership has invested in shares of SGU, SGU itself is a partnership and we got the K-1. How do I use the SGU's K-1? Should I enter the details of SGU's K-1 in 1065? How will the club member's K-1 be affected? ...
1 message
Cash Distribution and tax for withdrawn members
Hello, We had couple of members leave the partnership and received cash distribution. The distribution received by each member was greater than the initial investment they made, which means that it was a capital gain. Where should the member report this gain (short-term since partners ...
1 message
club_cafe: Withdrawal questions
In a message dated 3/25/2007 4:01:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: We have a member withdrawing next month. Three questions: 1. I understand that we can transfer stock with the signature of one club member, does that member need to have a medallion signature ...
1 message