The One Minute Treasurer(tm) Updated
The One Minute Treasurer(tm) has been updated. It's now a complete
"how to" for bivio. It'll probably replace the Getting Started Guide,
once we get the kinks ironed out. It contains examples of how
AccountSync(tm) works including emails that you might get. Here's the

Please send any typos to, and we'll update the
PowerPoint, and reproduce it as a PDF here.

If you are teaching a class, we can send you the PowerPoint.
BetterInvesting and bivio are working on this talk so you might want
to get the talk through BI, not us. We're providing the content.

Rob, the One Minute Treasurer pdf file still says there is a
One Minute Treasurer box at the bottom of the accounting
pages and that there is a $30 savings by checking it. I
still can not find it or any reference to it on our club
accounting site.
Dottie Hinz

Rob Nagler wrote:
> The One Minute Treasurer(tm) has been updated. It's now a complete
> "how to" for bivio. It'll probably replace the Getting Started Guide,
> once we get the kinks ironed out. It contains examples of how
> AccountSync(tm) works including emails that you might get. Here's the
> link:
> Please send any typos to, and we'll update the
> PowerPoint, and reproduce it as a PDF here.
> If you are teaching a class, we can send you the PowerPoint.
> BetterInvesting and bivio are working on this talk so you might want
> to get the talk through BI, not us. We're providing the content.
> Cheers,
> Rob
Dorothy C. Hinz writes:
> Rob, the One Minute Treasurer pdf file still says there is a
> One Minute Treasurer box at the bottom of the accounting
> pages and that there is a $30 savings by checking it. I
> still can not find it or any reference to it on our club
> accounting site.

You need the latest version. Your browser may be caching the result
although I can't imagine why.

I cleared my cache, and now when I click on the link I get
the message "We're sorry, but this page either does not
exist or is not publicly viewable".


Rob Nagler wrote:
> You need the latest version. Your browser may be caching the result
> although I can't imagine why.
> Rob
Dorothy C. Hinz wrote:
> the message "We're sorry, but this page either does not
> exist or is not publicly viewable".
You're right - the revised document was renamed slightly. This has
been corrected and you can access it using the previous link.
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.
Paul Moeller wrote:
> You're right - the revised document was renamed slightly. This has
> been corrected and you can access it using the previous link.

I can't find any link to The One Minute Treasurer except the
ones in this thread. As time goes on, these emails will be
buried deeper and deeper in the message list, and I'll have
to search the archives. There must be a better way.

Ed Berners
South Bend, IN
Edgar D. Berners writes:
> ones in this thread. As time goes on, these emails will be
> buried deeper and deeper in the message list, and I'll have
> to search the archives. There must be a better way.

The One Minute Treasurer(tm) document will be linked soon enough at
the bottom of every page.
