Wiithdrawal Breakdown
I'm in the process of evaluating bivio and myiclub for our
clubs online accounting. One neat feature that I like on
myiclub that I can't seem to find on bivio is a detail
report on a particular members withdrawal including
gain/loss etc.

Any idea if this type of report exist??
Also, for those who have evaluated bivio over myiclub I'd be
interested in your findings.

Byron Williams wrote:
> I'm in the process of evaluating bivio and myiclub for our
> clubs online accounting. One neat feature that I like on
> myiclub that I can't seem to find on bivio is a detail
> report on a particular members withdrawal including
> gain/loss etc.
> Any idea if this type of report exist??
It's there. Scoll down to the bottom of the report section to see withdrawals.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN

Got it. I did not go down far enough. I'm loving this site.

Thanks for the fast response!

Rip West wrote:
> Bryon,
> It's there. Scoll down to the bottom of the report section
> to see withdrawals.
> Rip West
> Saint Paul, MN