Tax Prep Advice
This is my first year end with Bivio.

Will Bivio be giving us a checklist of things to review
before we run our tax software?

When should we expect the tax report option to be available?
Where do we find it?

Randy Roody, Bedford NH
Hi Randy,

I haven't seen anyone answer this so...

> Will Bivio be giving us a checklist of things to review
> before we run our tax software?

There is no audit function on bivio like there was with CA3. There have
been other postings on this board in the past. You may want to try to
search for them.

Our club performs the following:

We run our bank account report on bivio and a member compares it to the 12
monthly bank statements, making sure all items are accounted for (checks,
deposits, transfers, interest, bank charges).

We run our broker account report and another member compares it to the 12
broker statements, making sure all items are accounted for (buys, sales,
dividends, interest , transfers).

And another member compares the deposit slips to the member reports to make
sure everyone's dues were properly allocated.

Once we verify that everything was properly entered, and/or fix any
mistakes, everyone initials the reports and we attach them to our copy of
our taxes.

Sometime between January 25th and February 10th, bivio will announce the tax
forms are ready. It's an option under the Accounting tab. There is a short
series of questions that you must answer, after which, you simply print the
1065, the K-1s and the accompanying forms. That's it. The only thing you
will need to do is find the location for your tax filing. For that, you can
go to and pull up the instructions for the 1065. For example,
those of us in Minnesota send our taxes to Odgen, UT now.

We choose not to put our social security numbers online. In the past, the
program has allowed us to enter them directly onto each K-1 before printing.
Hopefully, we'll be able to do it again this year.

We make one full copy for the feds, one for the state of MN, and one our
files. The members only get the K-1.

Piece of cake. If you have questions when the forms arrive, just write
back. Someone will be able to help you.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club