Manual Entry vs. Automatic AccountSync Entry
This morning I received a message from bivio support
indicating that our Club had several "unidentified
transactions" on the most recent AccountSync Summary.

The message further stated:
"Unidentified transactions require you to classify the type
and source of a deposit or withdrawal. On the account
detail, you will find unidentified entries displayed so that
you may assign their source."

I understand what the problem is: (I manually entered member
payments AND when AccountSync was automatically activated by
bivio the entries appeared, again...thus doubling the total
of the actual member payments.) I also know how to correct
the problem: (Delete either the manual entries OR delete the
AccountSynch entries.)

My question is: Is it "better" to enter member payments
manually or should I wait for AccountSynch to make the
transactions automatically? What method of entry is
preferred by other Treasurers?

Bob Hooper
Tucson, AZ
Robert Hooper writes:
> My question is: Is it "better" to enter member payments
> manually or should I wait for AccountSynch to make the
> transactions automatically?

When you let AccountSync do the work, you will have the correct
transaction dates. This makes auditing much easier.

> What method of entry is preferred by other Treasurers?

More bivio users prefer AccountSync and ActivePartnership than our old
service Club Accounting.

Bob, AccountSynch gives the transaction date the money reached the broker.
You might prefer to use the date the funds were collected, or mailed. But
the only important date is the valuation date the funds are to use for units
purchased, which you do need to enter. Most of our BI PA's call for member
units and withdrawals to be valued at the latest valuation date, not the
transaction date. My choice would be to make my own member payment
entries, and just delete out the AccountSynch member deposit transaction.
I would be happy to let AccountSynch take care of dividends, buys, and
sells. Gene Rooks, Orlando