club_cafe: k-1
In a message dated 2/11/2007 4:09:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Val's new Question: I'm questioning your implication that beginning and ending percentages are to be ignored. In 06 we sold most loosing stocks and ended with LT loss of $21,750 for 06. Loss ...
1 message
Club Index
New bivioan has questions regarding "Club Index" which appears on the bivio home page: * Does the "Current" listing indicate that there are 8,006 clubs currently active on the bivio roll? Is that number determined by the number of active clubs at the close of ...
2 messages
State Tax Forms
Rob, in response to your comments regarding future plans to add more states to your list of returns, do you anticipate an additional increase in subscription price for the 2007 tax year? Or, will the additional state forms be included in the $99 subscription fee? ...
2 messages
Help understanding the 1065 form
On the 1065 Form, page 2, under Schedule B, question 11. What distribution of property is being referred to? We had a member withdraw from our club in 2006 is that why the "Yes" box has been checked? Just trying to understand how this all ...
2 messages
club_cafe: K-1 Availability
In a message dated 2/10/2007 4:52:28 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: When attempting to generate 2007 K-1's it says they will be available in Early February. Now that we are approaching Mid February, is there any update on when the K-1's might be available? ...
1 message
K-1 Availability
When attempting to generate 2007 K-1's it says they will be available in Early February. Now that we are approaching Mid February, is there any update on when the K-1's might be available?
1 message
Indiana Partnership Return
I am wondering as to whether State of Indiana Partnership Return will be ever be able to be generated similar to the Federal Return?
4 messages
Member wants to witdraw money
Hi- We have a member that needs to withdraw about 80% of his holdings in our club. We will need to sell one of our holdings in order to generate enough cash to pay him off. How do I enter this transaction into our books? ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Member wants to witdraw money
In a message dated 2/8/2007 9:56:17 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Hi- We have a member that needs to withdraw about 80% of his holdings in our club. We will need to sell one of our holdings in order to generate enough cash to ...
1 message
Dividends vs. Qualifying Dividends
Bivio newbie needs help! I'm afraid I'm still confused regarding the difference between the "Dividend" and "Qualified Dividend" columns on the bivio "Member Tax Allocations" Report for tax year 2006. It is my understanding that "Qualified Dividends" are those dividends which qualify for capital gains ...
4 messages
CA Taxes
The CA State Tax stuff has not populated on our club site, and I know I've got CA listed as our state. All my Federal tax forms are done, easily, I might add. Is it because we are on a free trial subscription?
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club_cafe: Re: State return for Illinois
In a message dated 2/7/2007 9:07:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: But according to this GIL - general information letter that I found in the ILL DEPT OF REVENUE website. It is a long ruling, but it simply states that if a Federal ...
1 message
club_cafe: State return for Illinois
In a message dated 2/1/2007 1:25:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: I read somewhere in this forum that the state of Illinois does not require partnerships of investment club to file the IL-1065. Is this still true for the current 2006 year return ?? ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Dividends vs. Qualifying Dividends
In a message dated 2/7/2007 5:59:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Bivio newbie needs help! I'm afraid I'm still confused regarding the difference between the "Dividend" and "Qualified Dividend" columns on the bivio "Member Tax Allocations" Report for tax year 2006. It is my ...
1 message
Same Day Entries
There is currently a spirited discussion in the BI Treasurer's Forum regarding problems that exist when various multiple transactions are made on the same day. It seems these transactions cause the software to "choke" and not give an accurate accounting for unit changes. The following ...
3 messages