How to Create a Website Link in Files?
Through my Bivio site, how do I get links to other websites to post in Files? Example, I want a link to as a Useful Link in our Club files?
2 messages
Not syncing mutual funds.
Our TDAmeritrade account does not seem to be syncing mutual funds correctly w/ Bivio. Bivio is showing more shares than TD. How can this be corrected?
2 messages
How many state returns now?
Rob, etal: How many states does bivio currently have on its roster for tax returns? Approximately how many more are coming this year? Thanks! I'm doing a little promoting at InvestEd and I want to be informed! Lynn O.
2 messages
transferring units
My husband and I belong to the same investment club. He passed away last month and I would like to transfer his units to my account. I know we cannot do this from one member to another but since we have a trust and there ...
3 messages
AccountSync Help
I bought the Active Partnership and Im currently having a problem with accountsync. Ive entered my brokerage info from Scottrade into Bivio, user/password and account number but for some reason it is not synching. Does anyone know what I can do to make this work. ...
2 messages
What happens when the message board exceeds 100%. Will the oldest message(s) be automatically deleated? Ray Marchand
2 messages
Steps to shut down and end a club
It looks like our club has run its course and the members want to dissolve it. Are there any instructions or steps that I should take as treasurer to end it? Also, can we use the current bivio tax system to file a final return ...
4 messages
Delayed reporting
I have noticed that recently the trades that were done at Ameritrade yesterday are not picked up by Bivio as they always have been. Trades that were done on Wednesday dont get picked up until Friday morning instead of Thursday.
1 message
New brokerage firm
We would like to receive some information from other clubs regarding recommendations for brokerage firms. We are thinking of making a change and would welcome your input. Thank you. Sharon H. WI$E Women Investment Clue
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Corporate bonds question
In bivio, how to enter a bond transaction.
1 message
club_cafe: Member Withdrawal
In a message dated 04/08/08 11:59:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: We have a member withdrawing and I'm following the One Minute Treasurer notes on how to do that. Things were rocketing along until I came to this field, "Account: The account used to ...
2 messages
Club interested in an ADR. What are the implications?
Our club is considering the purchase of Satyam Computer Services (SAY). One issue that came up in the discussion was what effect will owning an ADR have on accounting? My guess is that we will have to enter dividends differently to acount for foreign withholding ...
2 messages
Verizon Spin Off
We received 2 shares of Fairmont Communications(FRP) for our 150 shares of Verizon dated 4/4/08. When I check the brokerage account, it is listed as 10/17/07 for 1.3333 shares @ $14.75 = $ 19.96 and 2/20/08 for .6667 shares @ $11.219 = $7.48. (These dates ...
7 messages
Harrah's Buyout
Our club owned 40 shares of Harrah's stock. The company was bought by a private equity firm at the end of Jan 2008. This transaction was recorded as a "merger" in our investment company's log with 3,600 ($90/share). This was recorded on 1/29/08. However a ...
2 messages
How do I remove my name from getting copied on other clubs emails?1 message