club_cafe: Re: Re: Valuation date entered in bivio
You shouldn't wait even that long. Our club's policy is that any check not received by the meeting date gets deposited and credited the following month. On the other hand, if you use bivio's penny system, you can have your members deposit their checks directly ...
1 message
club_cafe: Multistate PTE
Yes. It doesn't matter where you hold meetings. You don't conduct "business" as business is defined in the regulations. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 03/09/08 7:14:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Are we a Unistate PTE since all business occurs in Maryland (we ...
1 message
club_cafe: 1065: What must we fill out on the front?
Almost everything above line 1 should be filled in. Nothing on line 1 or below other than the signature area. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 03/09/08 7:05:11 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I am sorry for the questions. I thought bivio fills out ...
1 message
club_cafe: 1065 line F total assets?
Look at your answer to Schedule B, question 5.. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 03/09/08 6:01:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: 1065 line F total assets: do we have to enter anything in this empty box? If so, what? It's Tax Time! Get ...
1 message
Shares on switch over date
I was unable to import data from CA3- even using the hint about going to CA2 and redirecting didn't work so am in the process of entering data on a switch over date. I am able to enter the number of shares and dates acquired ...
2 messages
MD 510B: Distributive share of income?
I don't know what number to fill in here for each member: Distributive or pro rata share of income I read the instructions but don't understand them. I looked at last year's forms but can't figure it out from there. thanks, eTana
2 messages
Multistate PTE
Are we a Unistate PTE since all business occurs in Maryland (we never have meetings outside of MD)? etana
1 message
1065: What must we fill out on the front?
I am sorry for the questions. I thought bivio fills out everything needed on the 1065, but the front page is blank. Do we have to fill out anything besides signature and date? Like for example, total gain or loss? thanks, eTana
1 message
1065: What must we fill out on the front?
I am sorry for the questions. I thought bivio fills out everything needed on the 1065, but the front page is blank. Do we have to fill out anything besides signature and date? Like for example, total gain or loss? thanks, eTana
1 message
MD club; DC resident: what must we do on MD 510 form?
I assume on the MD 510 B, we must list current members and also members who withdrew in 2007? One member lives in WashingtonDC. The club is in Maryland. What must we do? She got about $4500 tranferred securities and about $500 cash when she ...
1 message
1065 line F total assets?
1065 line F total assets: do we have to enter anything in this empty box? If so, what? thanks, Etana and Carol
3 messages
club_cafe: Withdrawing member and valuation date
There aren't instructions in the bivio manual because the specifics need to be spelled out in your PA. If yours is vague, you need to get it amended ASAP. The standard BI PA states that you use the valuation at the next meeting after the ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Re: Valuation date entered in bivio
First, why does it take 18 days to get the checks to the broker? However, if you are using AccountSync to get the transactions into your records, then just edit the AccountSync transaction so that it uses 3/7 as the valuation date. No need to ...
2 messages
Withdrawing member and valuation date
I am sorry to keep not remembering this, but I searched in the bivio getting started manual, and could not find the word "withdrawal" or instructions about the valuation date for the withdrawing member Would you mind writing a sentence or 2 for our operating ...
2 messages
Valuation date entered in bivio
We're now moving into intermediate knowledge, and cleaning our Instruction sheet. In bivio, entering the deposits for last month's meeting, we put the 1. Transaction Date = date on brokerage statement deposit entered 2. Valuation Date: Friday before LAST month's meeting (before the checks Is ...
4 messages