Deleting former members from reports
Thank you Lynn O.!!! And just in time for my meeting this a.m. Judith
1 message
Deleting former members from Members Performance
How do I delete former members from the Members' Performance Report? Thanks! Judith Greenberg
2 messages
Bivio not balanced with Broker
My Brokerage account shows 3.03 more than my Bivio accounting. I have gone back and checked all the transactions for the past year everything checks out. At the end of the year when our CPA did the audit, she did not find a discrepancy and ...
3 messages
Online brokers
Joann, Our club uses TDAmeritrade. Their fee is $9.99 per trade. (There are some online brokers that are less expensive.) We have been very satisfied with TDAmeritrade and it has been very club friendly for us. It interfaces with Bivio in that all dividends, deposits, ...
1 message
Using Online Brokers
Our club is planning on changing over from Edward Jones to an online brokerage account. Does anyone have any suggestions for: 1: An online account they are happy with? and 2. What to do with our existing account which holds over $50,000 in securities? Also, ...
7 messages
Displaying charts in Bivio files!
I have an excel spreadsheet with data and a line chart of that data. When I upload the file the chart disappears. There is a box outline of where the chart should be. I save the excel spreadsheet as a web page before bringing it ...
3 messages
Adding New Member
My club is adding our first new member and I have created an addendum for him to sign so that the current members do not have to resign the original agreement. Can I have some feedback on the wording of this document? Here it is. ...
2 messages
Member payouts
Our club is about to reach the end of our first year and a few members are planning on cashing out. What's the best way to do it? Do we write a check from the cash we have on hand? Do we sell some stock ...
2 messages
Correcting TIN/EIN +TD Ameritrade
Due to an error by our deceased former treasurer on a tax return, the IRS assigned the club a new TIN August 2007, which was finally used on the 2007 return. We have found that none of our club accounts has the updated number. We ...
16 messages
Proper deduction of fees to a withdrawing member?
Member joined in February. In addition to investment payments, she paid pro-rated local club dues of $22. Now she's moved away, withdrawing from club. The withdrawal report shows "member's basis before withdrawal" of her $160 investments PLUS the $22 fees (which were treated on entry ...
4 messages
New club in Los Angeles County, California
Hi. I'm helping with upstarting an investment club but I am confused about how to set it up so that each member can file their own individual tax returns while reporting any gains/losses from our investments as a group and keep costs down. Do I ...
4 messages
Question in our Operating Agreemnt
4. Prepares a quarterly statement of liquidating value (or audit). ????????? Can we eliminate this sentence and action? We use bivio, and monthly report to the club with bivio member and stock report thanks, etana Stockettes
2 messages
Correcting TIN/EIN +TD Ameritrade1 message
Correcting old errors
Since starting the Bivio accounting (>2 yrs) the bank account has shown an excess of $19.24 in the account (i.e. the actual account is less than what is shown on Bivio). Despite several auditing sessions the club is not able to determine where this money ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Disolution of a Partnership
In a message dated 09/02/2008 5:20:32 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Our members voted to disolve our partnership. I have spoken to the Knoxville Scottrade office and was told that we should send them a copy of the minutes stating this action is to ...
1 message