Deleting Members
We're a new club, 9 months and as per our clubs by-laws, any member who becomes delinquent in their responsibilities will be terminated and forfeit their contributions. This has occurred and I'm having difficulty deleting the former member from the system. What I'm trying to ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Import Ameritrade Transactions
Your best choice is to direct this question to bivio's support staff. However, I can tell you that AccountSync only works going forward. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 07/30/2008 9:45:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I just signed up for bivio and set-up ...
2 messages
There is no protocol. Your club, and/or its members as individuals, should do what they think appropriate. If the club decides to send flowers as a club expense, make sure to enter it as a nondeductible expense. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 08/06/2008 12:26:36 ...
2 messages
Within the past two weeks our Pyramid 350 Investment Club has lost 2 very long term past valued members. Approximately 80% of current club members knew and had worked with our deceased former members. In regards to flowers and memorials, what is normal protocol? One ...
1 message
Import Ameritrade Transactions
I just signed up for bivio and set-up the account sync to our broker account with Ameritrade, but the only transactions that were imported were the ones my club made after we signed up for bivio. We have had our account with Ameritrade for five ...
2 messages
Adding New Members
Our club's bylaws have consitently said that all members will have an equal share in the club, and to-date we have kept that philosophy. We added three new members (July 25), and in an effort to keep their shares and investment in line with the ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Adding New Members
Obviously, you're seeing one of the disadvantages of trying to keep all members equal. It doesn't always work as planned. Not to mention that it will get more and more difficult to find new members who can afford such a large initial investment. But to ...
1 message
New report
In our TK5 program as well as investment websites such as Vanguard, they offer a report/graph that shows the portfolio value vs. cost over a period of time. We used to use this graph to help track our performance over time. Does Bivio offer a ...
8 messages
County Courthouse
Gurus: Our recently deceased member has caused us to reflect on details and it dawned on us that we have never made any changes to the "filing" we did with the county courthouse when we chartered. I was not a member at that time, so ...
3 messages
erasing incorrectly entered "expense"
It's me again. now i have incorrectly entered members' contributions for their Better Investing magazine subscription as "income". I realized it should be in the suspense account and thought i had deleted and corrected (since their funds were only passing through the checkbook as I ...
7 messages
When will Bivio update the CFC acquisition by BAC?
Trading was blacked-out starting 7/1/08. . .
5 messages
Account interest
Hello, I have a simple question- We use an automatic investment plan and I our brokerage pulls the amount we decided to invest in the stocks we have chosen as a group and the purchase takes place on a tuhrsday afternoon. Our money is pulled ...
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Hey. I'm not an administrator of any club. How did this happen? please delete and let me know how this occured. Stanley Harris
1 message
club_cafe: INFY & Broker Fee
It's a deductible expense. Brokers are now allowed to charge ADR/ADS dividend processing fees. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 7/6/2008 1:26:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: We received an agency processing fee of $1.00 along with our dividend this month from our Infosys ...
2 messages
INFY & Broker Fee
Hi all, We received an agency processing fee of $1.00 along with our dividend this month from our Infosys ADR. How do we handle that fee? Should we enter it under "Charges"? Or should we enter the dividend net of this fee? Other? Thanks, Lynn ...
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