Security certificate
There is a problem with this website's security certificate. The above is what I rec'd when signing on to bivio. Does anyone else get this?
2 messages
Record Keeping
I am the treasurer of an online investment club in it's second year. Because we have members in multiple states I put almost everything online so that any member can look and see everything that is gong on. All of our communitcation is through our ...
3 messages
Bivio Club Index
I was just looking over the latest Bivio Club Index holdings and I noticed that the unit value of the Club Index is around $6.50 (11/28/09). Given that the default unit value for clubs at inception is $10, does this mean that the Club Index ...
3 messages
Unit Value question and what it represents
Hi all, I'm the treasurer of my club and I am used to fielding questions on Unit Value. But yesterday one came up and I couldn't answer it. Our club started at $10 and current unit value is $26. So I proudly said that we'd ...
5 messages
Merger into two
BRP merged into BTM and BTM.IC. For every ADR of BRP we got 1.516028 ADRs of BTM and 0.860033 ADRs of BTM.IC 325 BRP is now 492 BTM and 279 BTM.IC There will probably be some fractional cash, but I won't see that until the ...
1 message
Annual Bivio expense reimbursement
As treasurer of our investment club, I renew our Bivio subscription using my personal credit card. Would it be appropriate for the club to reimburse me by internally transferring these funds from the club account to me as a personal monthly payment? And, if so, ...
2 messages
Annual Reports
Do any clubs put together an annual report for its members? If so can you send me an example of the one that you have used in years past? Thanks
2 messages
Folio Investing Brokerage
My investment club is looking to open up a Folio brokerage account and move away from our local broker. Was hoping to get a temperature from those that use Folio as their brokerage. Thoughts or experiences? Thanks, Mark (Treasurer, HK Hopefuls)
1 message
club_cafe: Unit Value question and what it represents (Action Required)
Hello Jim Thomas, This message serves as notification that you will not receive any more courtesy notices from our members for two days. Messages you have sent will remain in a lower priority queue for our member to review at their leisure. Future messages will ...
1 message
tax consequences of stock to withdrawing member
hi - has anyone done a stock transfer in a prior year and knows the resulting tax consequences to the withdrawing member, as well as, the remaining members? i've tried to get answers from tech support but it's always very vague and incomplete. i would ...
2 messages
Switching: Online Club Accounting to bivio
Our club is considering switching to bivio from online club accounting. We are currently in a 3 month trial period and so far everything for me (as treasurer) has been seamless and the pros outweigh the cons. I'm also more than happy with support. After ...
4 messages
Difficulties with E-trade & changing financial officers
We have been in existence for 10 years and have written E-Trade our brokerage house several times regarding new financial officers. We recently found out that these letters were not registered and a member who no longer is part of our club still has financal ...
4 messages
Merck Schering-Plough merger
As of the close of business on November 3, 2009, Merck & Co., Inc. (NYSE: MRK) and Schering-Plough Corporation (NYSE: SGP) completed their merger. Each share of SGP received $10.50 in cash and 0.5767 shares of a new company [MRK]. This is not a typical ...
1 message
Manifest Investing Challenge Club Meeting This Wednesday
Hi Everyone, Just a reminder that the Manifest Investing Challenge club will be meeting again this Wednesday(Nov. 11) evening at 8PM ET. This is an virtual, online club run by Mark Robertson. Everyone is invited to join online to observe or even participate. The stock ...
1 message
investment income
Our cents balance on our on line account shows .16 and it should be .11. Which shows money market interest at .19 which is correct. It does not show in the transactions where the .05 went other than it's in our balance, and therefore I ...
2 messages