Distribution from Net Settlement Fund
We received a check for $1.35 from a class action litigation
involving a security that we used to own.

How should that be handled in Bivio?

Lois P
Long-term capital gain dividend distribution.
Ira Smilovitz
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Baltimore, MD August 6 - 8, 2010
In a message dated 01/14/10 10:47:11 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
We received a check for $1.35 from a class action litigation
involving a security that we used to own.

How should that be handled in Bivio?
Hi Lois,

Since you no longer own the stock, you would enter this as a Long Term Capital gain using the Income
button on the Accounting>Investments page.

 Laurie Frederiksen
Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> Hi Lois,
> Since you no longer own the stock, you would enter this as a Long Term Capital gain using the Income
> button on the Accounting>Investments page.
> Laurie Frederiksen

But it is came in via account sync, so how do I get it out
of there to the Investments screen? Sorry to be so

>But it is came in via account sync, so how do I get it out
>of there to the Investments screen? Sorry to be so

Hi Lois,

Don't apologize, none of us knows things unless we ask questions. That's
what we're here for.

Because this type of check is an infrequent occurrence, entering it is not
one of the options on the "identify credits" dropdown menu on the
AccountSync entry. In this case, the proper thing to do is to delete
the AccountSync entry and then use the Income button on the Investments screen
to enter the Long Term Capital gain. One of the spots on the Income form
asks you to enter the account the money was deposited into. Just select your
brokerage account and you'll be all set.

 Laurie Frederiksen
Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> >But it is came in via account sync, so how do I get it out
> >of there to the Investments screen? Sorry to be so
> >unknowledgable.
> Hi Lois,
> Don't apologize, none of us knows things unless we ask questions. That's
> what we're here for.
> Because this type of check is an infrequent occurrence, entering it is not
> one of the options on the "identify credits" dropdown menu on the
> AccountSync entry. In this case, the proper thing to do is to delete
> the AccountSync entry and then use the Income button on the Investments screen
> to enter the Long Term Capital gain. One of the spots on the Income form
> asks you to enter the account the money was deposited into. Just select your
> brokerage account and you'll be all set.
> Laurie Frederiksen

Thank you Laurie, I did it, but now where can I track that
entry...not in Transactions History.
Hi Lois,

You will see it in the Transactions History report in the Investment Distributions section as well
as on the Capital Gains and Losses Report where it will show up as Cash.
