A Holiday Treat for You!
Hi Everyone,

Mark Robertson has provided a fun holiday activity that those of us who like to talk about stocks
might like to participate in. You might even find it fun to include in your activities as you
gather with friends and family.

In the Stocks forum on ManifestInvesting, he's providing his analysis of the top 40 stocks people
in our community hold. Then, he's providing a way for us all to vote on whether we think it's a
good idea to Buy, Sell or Hold these stocks.

Reading his analysis and thinking through things yourself is sure to generate some fascinating
discussions at your house.

If you'd like to participate, here's the instructions on how to do so:

If you don't have a Manifest Subscription yet, just set up a free trial. It will be a new toy you
can play with over the holidays. The special price of $49 Mark is now offering bivio subscribers
also makes it a great stocking stuffer.

Happy Holidays to everyone! We hope you will find them filled with fun and peace and optimistic
thoughts for the coming year.

        Your friends at bivio
OK, maybe the spiked eggnog is affecting my ability to follow directions (!!). I had a hard time following this note. This might be easier.
Go to; click on "Forum" at the top.
Scroll down to the "Stocks" forum and open.
Read all the wonderful analyses.
Thank you Mark!
Lynn Ostrem

Join me at InvestEd 2010
August 6-8, Baltimore, MD