What documents to file for taxes
Hello, I am slightly confused on what to file. I got this text message when I completed the questionnaire for K-1. Investment clubs are required to file one copy of Form 1065, one copy of Schedule K-1 for each member, and the Schedule D and ...
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signing the 1065
I am the financial partner. I have been signing the "Preparer's signature" on the front page of the 1065 but have not put the information requested on the line below it because it indicates it is for a "Paid" preparer. i am not paid. also, ...
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2009 taxes and a new bivio!
We have released federal and state tax forms for 2009. All state tax forms have been approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies. In addition to taxes, our web site has been upgraded to a modern look. We hope you like it. As always, please let ...
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Chicago are club - Address to send completed club taxes
We have completed our taxes and distributed all to members. What address does one mail the Club tax form to. Is is Cincinnati we are ad Chicago area club
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1099 vs. 1065
The 1065 form shows we had ordinary dividends of $93 but on the 1099 it shows ordinary dividends of $96. It also shows federal tax withheld of $3 so the difference would equal the $93 showing up on the 1065. Am I thinking about that ...
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Taxes for a new club
THis question may be answered in the tax webinar, but here goes: OUr investment club is very new, we began in July, 2009 and bought our first stocks in late August of 2009. Therefor, we have made very little money. TD Ameritrade (our broker) says ...
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club_cafe: FW: IRS Tax Tip 2010-35: 10 Facts About Capital Gains and Losses
Thank you, I will share this with our members. Marilyn hutson PFP On Feb 19, 2010, at 9:37 AM, "Laurie Frederiksen" < > wrote: Hello Everyone, FYI, here is a very nice, brief overview of Capital Gains and Losses provided by the IRS. As ...
1 message
IRS Tax Tip 2010-35: 10 Facts About Capital Gains and Losses
Hello Everyone, FYI, here is a very nice, brief overview of Capital Gains and Losses provided by the IRS. As a member of an investment club, you will be dealing with these in two ways. Each year, as your club sells stocks, your portion of ...
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1099 shows hidden income/charge
We have a cash sweep to a money market account, that occasionally shows a dividend. When our 1099 from the broker arrived, it showed a "service fee" for the money market account on January 1. It states that this is a service fee charged for ...
21 messages
club_cafe: Audit Question
Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote: >Hi Ellen, > > > >I'm glad to hear you are trying to do an audit for your club. > > > >I'll be glad to call you sometime tomorrow. Just email and let me > >know your phone number ...
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K 1
I can view my K 1 with no problem. But as an administrator I should be able to view any partner's K 1 with out downloading the whole return. Does anyone know if this can be done?
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This is our 1st year using Bivio. During the year we bought a Pink Sheet over the counter stock we found that the price was never the same on our broker statement and our Bivio statement. At end of year our broker shows $11.35 less ...
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We have sold our shares in the above subject company should we just delete it from our portfolio.
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Enter investments dues for 2009
What procedure to use to enter investmnet dues for 2009 into our bivio account
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i sure have learned a lot in a few days. we have 2 more small items to deal with and then we will be finished with taxes. our club has been in existence for at least 25 years, keeping records manually until around 1995. we ...
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