BIVIO Truncation on Stock Market Vlaue
In comparing my Dec. TD Ameritrade report with the BIVIO NAV
report for 12/31/09 I noticed the market value of the
portfolio was off by 1 cent.and I was slightly bothered.

I soon discovered that for one stock BIVIO had a market
value of $1,326.87 while TD showed $1,326.88. When I got
the closing stock price for the day times our number of
shares I determined that the real number was $1326.8766 So
TD rounded up, which seems the right thing to do; and BIVIO
truncated which doesn't seem right. Is BIVIO performing
correctly? thanks
Dear Jay,

I worry about clubs when their records are off by hundreds of dollars and nobody
seems worried about that. I also worry about people who stress too much over a
penny difference though I do admit being intrigued myself by trying to solve the
puzzle. :)

I am sure we are rounding things correctly. I assume what you are seeing is a rounding error
difference based on the number of decimal places TD Ameritrade is using in their pricing data
compared to the number we are using in ours.

 Laurie Frederiksen

I think this e-mail was meant for someone else, although that is useful information for me.

Lynne Hamrick

On Jan 9, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Laurie Frederiksen wrote:

> Dear Jay,
> I worry about clubs when their records are off by hundreds of dollars and nobody
> seems worried about that. I also worry about people who stress too much over a
> penny difference though I do admit being intrigued myself by trying to solve the
> puzzle. :)
> I am sure we are rounding things correctly. I assume what you are seeing is a rounding error
> difference based on the number of decimal places TD Ameritrade is using in their pricing data
> compared to the number we are using in ours.
> Laurie Frederiksen
Sorry, please ignore the last e-mail. I'm new and was

Lynne Hamrick wrote:
> Laurie,
> I think this e-mail was meant for someone else, although that is useful information for me.
> Lynne Hamrick
> On Jan 9, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> > Dear Jay,
> >
> > I worry about clubs when their records are off by hundreds of dollars and nobody
> > seems worried about that. I also worry about people who stress too much over a
> > penny difference though I do admit being intrigued myself by trying to solve the
> > puzzle. :)
> >
> > I am sure we are rounding things correctly. I assume what you are seeing is a rounding error
> > difference based on the number of decimal places TD Ameritrade is using in their pricing data
> > compared to the number we are using in ours.
> >
> > Laurie Frederiksen
> >
Hi Lynne,

Sorry for any confusion. I'm glad you have joined the club café list. It's a great way for us all
to learn and discuss items of
interest to clubs with each other.

Just to clarify to you and anyone else who might be new to this, if you have joined the Club Café
email list, you will receive
all the emails sent to it. If you send an email to it goes to all the other
members of the

Welcome to the bivio community! It's a really nice group of people.
