Disbanding the club
 small investment club 6 members one on leave of absent.
 Have 10 stocks one mutul fund most of the work is done by
 me. I want to hold on to the stocks. Any suggestions?

Jennifer Smalls wrote:
> small investment club 6 members one on leave of absent.
> Have 10 stocks one mutul fund most of the work is done by
> me. I want to hold on to the stocks. Any suggestions?
> Jennifer


I will assume 1) you have read the information previously
posted regarding when it is appropriate to distribute stock
to withdrawing members; 2) the other five members agree with
your plan and 3) the club does not have sufficient cash
currently to payoff the other five partners.

The mechanics to execute a distribution where the other five
members receive cash equal to the value of their units in
the partnership and you receive the stock plus cash equal to
the value of your units would be for you to buy additional
units with sufficient cash that when added to existing cash
provides enough cash to pay off the other five members. Then
perform a dissolution of the club and you take your payoff
in the form of transferred stock plus cash and the other
five partners receiving all cash.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners Investment Club