E-Trade Brokerage
Has anyone out there using E-Trade noticed that they are
always coming up with new fees.

Just openned up one of their no fee IRAs earlier this year.
Guess what, it is no longer a no fee, $25 Service fee
imposed. To leave costs $50.

Just made a few Trades at Etrade and noticed a new 3.00 fee
per trade. Processing.

Want to leave them, $50 fee to transfer.

Beware of E_Trade!!!

Their stock just hit a 52 week low. Wonder why!!
Additional comments regarding E-Trade fees after using them
for years:

Now have inactivity fees charged quarterly.

Recently E-Trade restricted my submitted company ESOP stock
certificates that had expired legends. They now want $150
per certicate ($600 for four) to call my company to verify
that they are indeed expired. Never before had they done
this; E-Trade claims this has always been their policy.
Other members in my stock club have recently experienced the
same. Now it will cost $30 to have them return the
certificates. Equiserve will reissue the certificate with
no legend for no cost but I plan to use a different broker
to sell.

I'm looking for a new e-broker for myself personally and the
stock club of which I'm the financial officer.

E-Trade has forgot about their customer!!!!!

= Ken

Gerald C Staub wrote:
> Has anyone out there using E-Trade noticed that they are
> always coming up with new fees.
> Just openned up one of their no fee IRAs earlier this year.
> Guess what, it is no longer a no fee, $25 Service fee
> imposed. To leave costs $50.
> Just made a few Trades at Etrade and noticed a new 3.00 fee
> per trade. Processing.
> Want to leave them, $50 fee to transfer.
> Beware of E_Trade!!!
> Their stock just hit a 52 week low. Wonder why!!