Is the Adviser working for you, or the company they represent?
Dear Forum members,

I have found your forum interesting.

Just want to bring to question so-called professional
financial advice.

Are Financial Advisers working for the highest possible
return for your investment?

- Or is the Adviser taking you into an investment that will
  give him/her (the adviser) the maximum commission?

Is the Adviser working for you, or the company they

„h Treat all advice with caution even from "professionals

This also rings true with my observation of so-called
'financial media professionals" with their weekly TV or
radio spot.

The information revealed on these so-called educational
financial media segment is just barely above college level
intelligence, yet given with such confidence and
professionalism that their weekly radio or TV media segment
positions are retained.

This allows them the few minutes before the end of every
segment to show their True Colors, that is to promote their
monthly magazine subscription, advise on their latest
investment semiar or brag about the number of sales of their
latest investment book.

 Unfortunately the majority of these books and magazines are
 full of fairy floss and filler.

Words that just fill pages in telling you what to do but not
showing you how to do it.

Another thing that always amazed me is how they can always
find enough material to write a 2nd book after the first was
a success?

Why wasn't this information in the first book?

If they really had your financial interest at heart why
don't they tell you the whole picture, rather that just
showing you just the corners.

The truth is that these media advisers are just puppets that
are regulated by the Securities Commission of their
respective countries.

They can only talk about the investments that have been
approved by the Securities commission of that country.

This means that the advice is restricted and not wholly
honest, thus not revealing all the available players on the
investment field.

This seriously reduces the investments available to you as
an investor.

After watching these financial show for years and going
nowhere, I look back and have realized that I have been
following the Herd (so to speak) in implementing the advice
of these Media advisers.

I personally have found that after income and capital gain
taxes are paid on these recommended investments, the returns
are very low to say the least for the time the funds are

May be I am a cynic but I firmly believe that the only way
to obtain a higher interest rate is to break way from the
main stream and think outside of the brain washing financial

The major Banks and institutions will never volunteer
information where you (the investor) can receive a higher
rate of return for your funds, for fear of your funds
leaving their banks and institutional control for another
investment yielding a higher return elsewhere.

An investment is just a tool for a better lifestyle, not at
retirement - but as soon as your residual income can sustain
your expected lifestyle.

Emotion doesn't come into play.

If one investment is not working, it is time to look

Whether you find that high return investment in another
bank, stock, state or country, it is in your own interest to
see what is obtainable.

See beyond the low interest rates that is offered by the
brain washing financial media and banking institutions and
discover the high yields available in Secure Mortgage

I am volunteering information that may be of interest to
your Club/members.

I am passing on my personal experience of an Investment of
which I have personal funds invested that has been returning
me a continuous 1.5 % monthly income, being 18% pa.

This 1.5% monthly income (18% pa) is deposited into my local
bank (here in Brisbane - Australia but can be wired anywhere
on the planet).

This investment has an annual option that will return 22%
pa, but a monthly payment suits my needs as it gives me a
greater choice of lifestyle.

The investment is based in Canada and Invests in short-term
(30-day cycle) buying and selling of mortgages in Canada and
the USA.

Security is assured, in that before a mortgage is purchased,
it is presold to a qualified buyer on a predetermined date
in the future.

This guarantees the funds are returned with a profit.

It has passed many a due diligence, owing to the way the
Protection and Security of the investment is structured.

Security of the product is protected by a Reserve Trust
Account that is explained in the website

With Global interest rate's at an all time low, combined
with the major companies collapsing due to corporate fraud
and accounting inadequacy, Investors are taking control of
their finances and are looking for alternative Investments.

Thanking you and hope you can benefit.
