Remove Members
We have a couple of members who want to withdraw from the
club. The remaining members have decided to buy out their
portion with cash to save broker fees for liquidating
shares. How do we deal with this in the member roster and
accounting? I also don't see any way to remove a member from
the roster. The withdrawal section seems to refer to
withdrawing funds rather that withdrawing club membership.
Joel Baker writes:
> We have a couple of members who want to withdraw from the
> club. The remaining members have decided to buy out their
> portion with cash to save broker fees for liquidating
> shares. How do we deal with this in the member roster and
> accounting?

You enter a withdrawal for the departing member. The members
"buying out" are contributing more capital, which you enter as a
normal payment.

> I also don't see any way to remove a member from
> the roster.

The member will not be shown uless you click Show Withdrawn. You need
to leave the member in the accounting of the club forever.

> The withdrawal section seems to refer to
> withdrawing funds rather that withdrawing club membership.

When a member withdraws all their funds, our software ends their
membership. You are given a choice whether to continue to allow them
to have access for sometime while still giving you the option to take
them offline when you would like to end their access.

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