Annual distribution

Does bivio have any way to run an end-of-year distribution
of income and expenses to the members? My understanding is
that this is required to calculate the K-1s for taxes.

Matt Matthews
Off-Line Transaction Processing Investment Club
> Does bivio have any way to run an
> end-of-year distribution of income and
> expenses to the members? My
> understanding is that this is required to
> calculate the K-1s for taxes.

The calculations necessary in this regard are done
automatically at bivio. There is nothing you need to do to
cause it to happen.

The "Member Tax Allocations" report will show you the
overall result of those calculations for a specific year.
But the appropriate allocation of earnings, etc. to club
members for tax purposes is done automatically by bivio
without the need for you to do anything to make it happen.

-Jim Thomas