Why is the company named bivio?
“Relax, sit down, and have a cappuccino.”

What a great way to invite bivions (or, if you prefer,
biviots) to pass the time in Club Café’ !

As I sit at my window seat in Club Café’, enjoying my late
night cappuccino, I haven’t a care in the world! The bivio
tax fairies have completed my tax forms… I’ve placed my Club
entries on AutoSync... and I even have plenty of time to
search the archives for interesting postings from earlier

Perhaps the most interesting posting I found dates back to
December 18, 1999. Have you ever wondered where the name
“bivio” originated? If you are as curious as I am to learn
more about the origins of the company, then you really must

If you prefer the CliffsNotes version (often, incorrectly
called CliffNotes), I’ll share one of the excerpts from the

“What does the name bivio mean and how did you choose it?”

(Response from CEO in 1999) “Bivio is a little village in
the Swiss Alps. I think it is one of Rob's favorite places.
The village is called bivio because two valley roads meet
there. In Latin, bivio means "where two road meet." So the
name is a nice translation of the fact that we are at the
intersection of community and investing online.”

So, now you know the origin! But, let’s see if Rob is
monitoring this message: Rob, what is the correct way to
pronounce “bivio”? Is it “biv-ee-oh”, “bee-vee-oh”, or

Best wishes to all,

Bob Hooper, Treasurer
New Pueblo Investment Club
Tucson, AZ
Robert Hooper writes:
> So, now you know the origin! But, let’s see if Rob is
> monitoring this message: Rob, what is the correct way to
> pronounce "bivio"? Is it "biv-ee-oh", "bee-vee-oh", or
> "bye-vee-oh"?

biv-ee-oh is how I pronounce it in English. In German, it's
bee-vee-oh. We'll accept bye-vee-oh as long as you pay us. ;-)

Thank you, Mr. Robivio (pronounced in English:
rawb-iv-ee-oh)! I hope you enjoyed your cup of cappuccino!

Bye the way, you forgot to say "cheers" when you signed your
most recent response! Tax season must be tougher than we
thought :-)

Also, aren't you glad that your favorite city in Europe is
Bivio and not Bologna!!!!

Bob Hooper, Treasurer
New Pueblo Investment Club
Tucson, AZ

Rob Nagler wrote:
> Robert Hooper writes:
> > So, now you know the origin! But, let’s see if Rob is
> > monitoring this message: Rob, what is the correct way to
> > pronounce "bivio"? Is it "biv-ee-oh", "bee-vee-oh", or
> > "bye-vee-oh"?
> biv-ee-oh is how I pronounce it in English. In German, it's
> bee-vee-oh. We'll accept bye-vee-oh as long as you pay us. ;-)
> Rob
Well, dang me. I've said bi-vee-oh ever since our club
joined, and that's been a few years. Humph Charlie

Robert Hooper wrote:
> Thank you, Mr. Robivio (pronounced in English:
> rawb-iv-ee-oh)! I hope you enjoyed your cup of cappuccino!
> Bye the way, you forgot to say "cheers" when you signed your
> most recent response! Tax season must be tougher than we
> thought :-)
> Also, aren't you glad that your favorite city in Europe is
> Bivio and not Bologna!!!!
> Bob Hooper, Treasurer
> New Pueblo Investment Club
> Tucson, AZ
> Rob Nagler wrote:
> > Robert Hooper writes:
> > > So, now you know the origin! But, let’s see if Rob is
> > > monitoring this message: Rob, what is the correct way to
> > > pronounce "bivio"? Is it "biv-ee-oh", "bee-vee-oh", or
> > > "bye-vee-oh"?
> >
> > biv-ee-oh is how I pronounce it in English. In German, it's
> > bee-vee-oh. We'll accept bye-vee-oh as long as you pay us. ;-)
> >
> > Rob
Relax, Charlie! A bivio is a bivio is a bivio!!!! (Somehow
that doesn't sound as poetic as "a rose is a rose is a
rose", does it?)

Just imagine all the fun we can have in the Club Cafe as we
try to think of new words with bivio as the root word!

* We would "bivioogle" every time we ran a search of the
* We would perform a "bivioscopy" every time we viewed our
   online investment portfolio.
* Every time we renewed our subscription we would be
   committing "biviogamy".
* Enter the Cafe, relax, sit down, and have a "bivioccino".
* If you forgot to say "cheers" before signing your name to
   your posting you would be a "bivionagler"!

Oops! Obviously too much caffeine in my bivioccino!

As Robivio so eloquently says to all, "Cheers"!

Bobivio Hooper
New Pueblo Investment Club
Tucson, AZ

Charlotte Lindner wrote:
> Well, dang me. I've said bi-vee-oh ever since our club
> joined, and that's been a few years. Humph Charlie