"Qualified Dividend" Entry Remains "Dividend"
We owned 5 shares of Hugoton Royalty Trust (spinoff from XTO
on 5-19-2006) long enough for two 87 cent dividends on 6/14
and 7/17.

Our brokerage 1099 shows the amounts as part of a qualified
dividend amount. Each time I try to enter the amounts under
"Qualified Dividends" in BIVIO, the result remains just

Right now our BIVIO generated Schedule K does not match the
1099 amounts for Qualified Dividends because of this.

What am I doing wrong?

I think your broker is wrong, and your data is wrong as entered in the accounting program. I haven't seen the figures for 2006, but in prior years, none of the distributions from Hugoton were dividends, let alone qualified. They represent royalty payments and should not be entered as dividends. There are many other problems with these distributions for investment clubs, including how to enter the depletion.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
Rip West wrote:
> John,
> I think your broker is wrong, and your data is wrong as
> entered in the accounting program.... >

Thank you, Rip. I agree with your assessment that our
brokerage firm is wrong in their their treatment of this
entry. Although I have placed an inquiry to them about this
issue, they have not yet responded. Since the amount is
small, we may just have to finalize our K-1s "as is" and
file with the IRS what BIVIO currently generates.
