Confused about renewal service

We have been a Bivio member for 4-5 years, and are up for renewal. Recently we received a notice saying Accountkeeper is discontinued, because Bivio "can't deliver the service you deserve at the price you have to pay". I was told the options were either Accountsynch or Active Partnership. We will use the latter as it tracks options.

This is where I am confused. We were paying $395 for Accountkeeper. Active Partnership costs $149. It seems they both download transactions from our brokerage, and both do taxes(except sch L & M). Could the only substantive difference be the club has to enter the deposit and expense info? Sounds like Active Partnership is a much better deal. Am I missing something? Please help. writes:
> We have been a Bivio member for 4-5 years, and are up for
> renewal. Recently we received a notice saying Accountkeeper is
> discontinued, because Bivio "can't deliver the service you deserve at
> the price you have to pay". I was told the options were either
> Accountsynch or Active Partnership. We will use the latter as it
> tracks options.
> This is where I am confused. We were paying $395 for
> Accountkeeper. Active Partnership costs $149. It seems they both
> download transactions from our brokerage, and both do taxes(except
> sch L & M). Could the only substantive difference be the club has to
> enter the deposit and expense info? Sounds like Active Partnership
> is a much better deal. Am I missing something? Please help.

With AccountKeeper, we were auditing your books all year, printing
your tax return at the end of the year, signing as your preparer, and
mailing three copies to you. With ActivePartnership, you have to do
all of the above. AccountKeeper is a "high touch" service, which
is not "scalable" and requires highly-trained bookkeepers. It's a
product we have been struggling with for many years, and we finally
decided to stop this service.

ActivePartnership is the same software, and therefore, you'll get as
accurate accounting and tax returns as before as long as you monitor
you audit your books at the end of the year.
