Getting Started
Greetings, Our group, FIG, is finally ready to use your service. We are sending the appropriate documents and deposit to Scottrade to open the account. We are considering your site and a competitor right now, but leaning toward bivio. Here are my questions. Please keep ...
5 messages
club_cafe: Re: Dues Account Help Needed ASAP!
Simple answer. Find a different bank and/or a different broker. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 01/23/08 2:02:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Kerry Ashford wrote: > Kerry Ashford wrote: > > Jennifer Winkler wrote: > > > We've just set up our club ...
2 messages
our Buys
Due to Phyllis's (wise) decision to put in buy orders, with Limit amounts, last night after our meeting we benefited from an early opening drop in prices and bought Starbucks at $17.76 and Whole Foods at $34.33 !! There will be broker fees and commission ...
1 message
bivio free trial and a club accounting workshop
On Feb 9 the Northwest Indiana Chapter BI will conduct a workshop on a club treasurer's year-end chores, including tax return preparation, both federal and Indiana. We are using a bivio free trial club to do the 2007 tax year accounting and preparation of the ...
1 message
Imbalance between Bivio and Broker
Our club has been in existance over 10 years with many treasurers. Our brokerage account shows approx. $400 more than Bivio records. This same imbalance was present on December 31, 2006 when the previous treasurer had made any adjustments needed for taxes. I will give ...
9 messages
Bivio Valuation not matching broker valuation
Our January '07 valuation is off because the market price from our broker (TDA) does not match the price per share from bivio. How do we handle this situation?
2 messages
Using Sharebuilder Broker with an Investment Club
I know that this has been asked in the past, but I couldn't find the answer (if any) that was given. Accountsync allows downloading of data from Sharebuilder broker accounts, however their website says that they do not offer club accounts. Does the club have ...
3 messages
Reverse Splits and Cost Basis per Share
In comparing CA3 software with Bivio, I find a difference in the Valuation Statement Report as to how the 2 applications computed my cost basis per share for a stock that had a reverse split. Nortel Networks experienced a 1 for 10 reverse split. Our ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Valuation Update
I can't answer for bivio, but when I last checked into closing price services several years ago, they usually updated sometime between 8 and 11 pm Eastern time. The process isn't as simple as it might seem for the data services to clean their data ...
6 messages
Terminating a member, versus Y/E reporting
My predecessor as treasurer told me that Club Accounting 3 prohibited one from cashing out a member until after year end tax reports had been run. We have a member to cash out now (2008), but I'm reluctant to do so without asking if doing ...
3 messages
bivio logo for club website
I admire Lynn Ostrem's website for Crow River ( but decided something that good was a lot of work. So I'm trying out Blogger ( The blogging software is easy to use. It also offers some integration with Google docs. My general plan is to ...
3 messages
Valuation Update
When does Bivio update the Valuation statement to reflect a day's closing stock prices? It is now 8:00 p.m., EST on Monday and the stock prices on the Bivio club website have not been updated since last Friday.
1 message
Year-end 2007 tax reports
With Congress' delay on resolving the AMT issue, I'm unsure whether both Bivio and the IRS are ready for me (as treasurer) to run year-end reports. I've already done the preliminaries (reconciled bank and broker statements to bivio, checked over records to see which dividends ...
4 messages
Donation of stock to a charity
My club donated stock to a charity in December. Bivio tells me they have no way to record the transaction and it did not interface from TDAmeritrade. I need to reduce the number of shares and cost basis as well as show a deductible expense ...
5 messages
TD Conversion Problem- Interset activity in 5/1/42007
Our club is planning to subscribe the Bivio and have some problems in the input of TDWaterhouse to TDAmeritrdae conversion. We input the interest as ($1.82-$0.63=$1.19) and yearly total interest showed less due to $0.63 in the Bivio. I am not sure how to do ...
2 messages