We wanted to delete our petty cash account (El Dorado Savings) and when all the transactions were deleted and also the account name, it increased our other account (Scottrade) by a couple of thousand dollars. No where on this account is there any of the ...
4 messages
Website design
I'd like to design my club's bivio site this year. I'd like to use one of the free open source website designs, but have never done this before. Have any of you? and would you care to share any comments? I like something like this: ...
5 messages
Tax preparation-first time
[So things have settled into a routine for our club Treasurer and her assistant (me), thanks to many of your great help and patience. Bivio is pretty easy, without the special situations of withdrawals, brokerage mergers, etc!] What should we read to prepare ourselves for ...
13 messages
club_cafe: Maryland Tax Changes
None of the changes appear to affect partnerships. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 1/2/2008 11:59:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: I received ALERT 12-07 from Maryland which lists changes in the corporate income tax law. I don't think it affects investment clubs, but ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Re: Tax preparation-first time
That is correct. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 1/3/2008 12:49:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: It appears to me that Ira's original (complete) tax prep workshop is not available in PDF format. Is that correct? > However, the original version is still > ...
1 message
account sync
I want to try the account sync feature before I pay for the subscription. I'm still in the trial period. I've just done our club's first transaction with the brokerage, and all information is filled about our brokerage account, etc. How do I import the ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Re: Arizona state taxes
Jack's reply is accurate for most clubs. The exception would be for those clubs that have either US Government interest or federally non-taxable interest from sources outside of AZ. In either of those two situations, there are additional calculations required for the AZ 165 and ...
1 message
Arizona state taxes
I previously did accounting using Better Investing Club Accounting and usually ordered the federal and state tax software. Now that the federal comes with bivio, what forms/reports would I need to print to complete the Arizona state tax form? I am assuming you haven't added ...
3 messages
Deleting a duplicate member payment
I have seen several threads on duplicate payments, and I know I have them in my clubs record, but I can not figure out how to delete them. In the help section it says I can delete them by clicking on delete to the right, ...
1 message
club_cafe: Imbalance between Bivio and Broker
In a message dated 12/24/2007 3:07:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Rob, you know more about how to accomplish this in bivio, of course. But, rather than a non-deductible expense, she needs to enter an income figure, as her broker has $400~ more than ...
1 message
ACH transfer
on 11/15/2007 I did a $400. ACH which shows up on the "existing balance" but does not show up on the right hand column anywhere, why? WE have put it in and deleted it several times and it still remains the same.
3 messages
How do I reset a member's password?
I am the administrator of our club. A member has forgotten her password. How do I reset it? BB
2 messages
Tax Treatment of transfer of stock from personal account to an Investment Club
Hello, I transferred some of my personal stock to an investment club that I am part of. I did not realize it then, but is there a tax treatment that I need to worry about at the end of the year? All the stocks that ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Tax Treatment of transfer of stock from personal account to an...
In a message dated 12/17/2007 4:33:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: I transferred some of my personal stock to an investment club that I am part of. I did not realize it then, but is there a tax treatment that I need to worry ...
1 message
How do I change the name of a security to it's new name& symbol
How do I change the name of a security form it's original symbol to a new name& symbol this is due to security going belly up. Thanks
2 messages