Newbie Question. Please Help!
Ok, We are a brand new club and do not even have our brokerage account open. We are thinking of opening our account at E*Trade because a couple of the members have had good experiences with them and we believe they will survive. E*Trade has ...
5 messages
Server errors
We had a spam storm which blocked our servers for a while. Some of you were receiving server errors, which was the result of this situation. The situation is back to normal. We are working on a long term fix to our spam problems. As ...
1 message
club_cafe: Newbie Question. Please Help!
Ah, but I've encountered many clubs where the contributions are made in cash, not by check. Go figure. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 01/31/08 10:10:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: The funds cannot be "lost". A check is a promise to pay, not ...
1 message
club_cafe: Newbie Question. Please Help!
Rob, I don't see where anything you posted disagrees with me. My only rationale for opening the bank account was to get the physical custody of the funds out of the hands of the treasurer and into an institution that could better protect the funds ...
3 messages
Ameritrade shows that we received two dividends from GE for a total of $44.80 but Bivio shows a total of$50.68. How do I go about correcting Bivio?
2 messages
club_cafe: Newbie Question. Please Help!
If you have a bank nearby that will open a free checking account for the club, I would do that. This way you can deposit the money and not have to worry about it being misplaced, stolen, etc. Once you have enough to fund your ...
1 message
Dues Account Help Needed ASAP!
We've just set up our club and are using OptionsXpress along with Bivio. My question pertains to dues. OptionsXpress doesn't allow deposit from any account other than one in the same name (meaning, we can only deposit from a bank account that is in the ...
8 messages
club_cafe: Mass. Tax Help
They're not. MA doesn't allow deductions. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 01/27/08 11:30:19 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes: Unfortunately, the tax software doesn't cover Massachusetts. I am trying to reconcile the 1065 from Bivio with Form 3 in MA. I have a first ...
1 message
Mass. Tax Help
Unfortunately, the tax software doesn't cover Massachusetts. I am trying to reconcile the 1065 from Bivio with Form 3 in MA. I have a first year club that buys stock and has never sold a stock. My question regards deductible expenses. These are recorded on ...
1 message
System Upgrade Complete
You should find a bit speedier now. The database server is now 8x faster than the old one. Cheers, Rob
2 messages
club_cafe: Re: Tax preparation-first time
In a message dated 12/31/2007 6:40:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Maybe we are talking about two different workshops. The one that is on the stockcentral site makes no mention of bivio. >> There is a redacted version of my workshop in the ...
14 messages
System Maintenance Sun 1/27 Morning will be unavailable from 12a MST to 9a MST for system maintenance. Feel free to try some time in the morning as we may be able to complete server upgrade earlier than 9a. We'll email this list when the server is back online. ...
1 message
Prepaid Dues
What is the best way to handle prepaid dues for the entire year? Or for that matter for several months? Judith Greenberg
5 messages
club_cafe: Time based vs Snapshot- Definition?
I don't believe mutual funds use time-based. I think they use snapshot. That's why you hear of people complaining that they bought the mutual fund on December 1 and suddenly have all this tax to pay when the fund makes its distribution in mid-December. In ...
3 messages
Time based vs Snapshot- Definition?
I'm teaching a class this weekend in Maine. How do I explain the difference and support the recommendation for Time Based. I know you've talked about it a lot but I can't find the basic explanation. How does a member gain from Time based? Is ...
2 messages