multiple portfolios
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multiple portfolios Can BIVIO track multiple portfolios within one investment club account? Does anyone have experience doing this? Our club would like to split our assets into 4 or 5 small groups, track performance of each group separately, and create separate reports for each group. Any comments would be appreciated - Thank you. It always amazes me how clubs want to complicate the treasurer's life. There are many ways you can create and track different groupings of stocks you hold without actually making accounting changes to do so. Portfolio Manager, a software program sold through Better Investing, would be a good tool to use for as many portfolios as you want. A free way you can do it is set up transaction type portfolios under Yahoo Finance, but someone would have to keep updating them as dividends are received and shares bought or sold, no matter what you do. My suggestion if you want to track certain ones sepaarately for some reason would be to assign these mini-portfolios to different individuals in the club who think this is such a great idea, and let them keep up with the entries. Gene Rooks, SWIM, Orlando |