BIVIO & myiclub Online Accounting
Can't tell you how aggravated I am with switching over to BIVIO from Online Club Accounting. Although now Bivio will save us tons of money $99 /yr vs. $69 + $89.99.
2 messages
Ordinary Dividends
We are still trying to understand the disparity in ordinary dividends between Etrade and our Bivio tax form. Etrade adds taxable qualified dividends and taxable non-qualified dividends to come up with ordinary dividends. Our entries on Bivio match Etrade to a T. We went through ...
1 message
Bivio Tax Return Error
Bivio will not return the correct amount for foreign passive income on the club tax return forms. In the rather unhelpful words of their tech support: "Our software only reports passive foreign income for investments which had foreign tax withheld." "Thank you for using bivio, ...
1 message
OptionsXpress HELP!
We have opened an OptionsXpress Investment Club account in the name of our club. The big problem I'm having is that they only accept deposits from a bank account in the same name. We don't have a bank account in our club's name because to ...
4 messages
club_cafe: yearly deposit
Hate to disappoint you, but your Christmas party is not deductible. Investment clubs don't have business meals under the tax code. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 02/13/08 8:20:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: We had keep the equal payment policy for a few ...
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club_cafe: yearly deposit
Any club that tries to enforce equal membership shares is doomed to failure. It isn't fair and it isn't necessary. The club has use of that member's money now and he can't use it for anything else. Therefore, he should get his units now . ...
5 messages
club_cafe: Ordinary Dividends
Generate a transaction ledger report for 2007 and compare the entries with your Etrade documents. Look specifically for entries in the Ledger that are credited into the dividend and interest column. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 02/13/08 6:38:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: ...
1 message
club_cafe: Printing Tax Forms
You should be able to print them the same as any other report in bivio. If this isn't working I would contact . They may be able to troubleshoot your configuration. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 02/13/08 5:36:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, ...
1 message
Ordinary Dividends
When we compare the total ordinary dividends on the Etrade Consolidated Form 1099 with the Schedule K ordinary dividends on line 6,generated by our Bivio software, we show more ordinary dividends on the Schedule K. We have carefully checked the entry of all dividends and ...
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Printing Tax Forms
I am printing the tax forms from Bivio and the Schedules and Attachments show on my screen but when I try to print them the page is blank. How do I get these to print? Original Message From: "" <> To: Sent: Wednesday, February ...
1 message
Adding a new member (who previously withdrew)
I'd like corroboration that, for a new member joining in Feb 2008 who withdrew in August 2007, I merely treat him like any other new member. For what it's worth, we've already made the year-end tax reports.
2 messages
club_cafe: Adding a new member (who previously withdrew)
Correct. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 02/13/08 4:41:28 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: I'd like corroboration that, for a new member joining in Feb 2008 who withdrew in August 2007, I merely treat him like any other new member. For what it's worth, ...
1 message
club_cafe: one check, one deposit
That is exactly how I would do it. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 02/13/08 12:22:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Just a clarification, please. I get their check and deposit it into the broker account the month I receive it. They get full ...
1 message
club_cafe: Re: yearly deposit
It's not a problem. It's just more work for you and not quite fair to them. There is no reason they shouldn't get credit as soon as they give you the check. One entry, not many. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 02/13/08 8:45:06 A.M. ...
3 messages
yearly deposit
I have a member who makes one deposit yearly to cover the entire year evenly spread out every 2 months that we meet. When i do the accounting for it, it shows the member as making a negative contribution yet having a positive value. What ...
15 messages