Overpayment to withdrawn member

I need to enter a transaction but dont know how to do it.

I inadvertantly entered fee transactions as member payment
transactions on behalf of one member of the club. These fee
transactions were supposed to bereimbursement to the club
for a social event. Rather than categorizing the
transactions as refunds to the club I categorized them as
member contributions.

Subsequently the member withdrew from the club and a
withdrawl transaction was created.

I discovered my error and asked the withdrawn member to
reimburse the club for the incorrectly categorized payments.

1. How do I correct the transactions that should have been
fees rather than member payments?

2. Where else do I need to make adjustments? In the
withdrawl transaction?

3. How do I enter the money he's now refunding to the club
since he's withdrawn and I cant attribute any transactions
to his name?

4. Which category to I use to record his refund to the club?
It cant be miscellaenous income because that's taxable

Hi Scott,
I know now frustrating it is when you mess up and no one's around to help.  Ugh.  I'm not really the one to tear this apart for you, but I'm sure that Rob, Gene, Ira or Rip will be back this evening.
In the meantime, the nice thing about bivio is that it's so forgiving.  You can delete all the transactions you made, either in the "account" section if you made a multiple deposit, or in the member sections.  That includes the withdrawal. 
The social part of your club need to be just that.  It's not necessary for every nickel and dime to be run through the club books, especially if it's not deductible.  For future reference, if you're going to have a party, either divide the actual expenses, after the fact, and let everyone reimburse the members who host it.  Or, what we do is, let the club buy all or part of the event (like the meat) and have others bring the rest.  No need to run it through the club.  If I were you, I'd take the reimbursement money from the departed member and buy the club a BI book, refreshments for the next meeting, or copy paper, etc. 
Another way to solve your problem would be to create a Suspense account (see the Help section) and put all the reimbursements in that account, offsetting it with the original cost.  It's a wash and it's not tax deductible anyway.  All done.
Lynn Ostrem, VP
Crow River Investment Club