Need for backup
The question of the need tobackup Bivio data files has been
raised in our club. Shoul the club take action to backup
thier data files in Bivio oris the information captured by
Bivio and can be captured again by the Finance Officer in
the event his/her computer crashes?
Hi John,
We had the same concerns when we switched over to bivio 8 years ago.   At the time, we were assured that bivio maintains multiple backups on multiple servers, all of which are in separate locations (i.e. not in Denver where the company is physically located).  We've never had an issue or a problem.  bivio has a stellar reputation, and even NAIC figured out how good they were by FINALLY announcing their support of the software last year.  Fear not!  But if it will help you sleep better at night, maintain a hard copy of your valuation statements, member status report and monthly activity report.  Bank and broker statements can provide the rest, in the event of WW3.
Lynn Ostrem, VP
Crow River Investment Club