NCA Data Transfer
Was told by a club member that transfering NCA data into Bivio can no longer be done due to litigation. Is this true & if so what is the prefered way to set up this club account in Bivio? Thanks Ray Marchand
3 messages
2004 Taxes and optionsXpress
We are very pleased to announce to the addition of optionsXpress to our list of AccountSync brokers: Even if you don't use options to consider optionsXpress. Their modern interface is efficient and effective. They were listed as best discount broker 2004 by Smart Money, ...
2 messages
club_cafe: additional shares in a club
The club has three choices: pay you with cash that it has on hand (or collects from the other members), sell some stock to pay you with cash (recommended only if it has stocks which are worth less than the cost basis), or transfer stocks ...
1 message
additional shares in a club
My club is new to Bivio. Here is the situation I would like guidance with. Let's say that as a club member I contribute $150 per quarter. Now for the next two years, I contribute $200 per quarter. After the two year period, I need ...
1 message
club_cafe: How to handle lawsuit income
In a message dated 1/15/2005 6:05:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: John asks Ira Ira Wouldn't the determination of short/long term gain be based on how long you've held the stock? You replied that it's a long term distribution, but would that not assume ...
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club_cafe: How to handle lawsuit income
In a message dated 1/15/2005 11:59:45 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: How do I log a check from a shareholder class-action suit paid to the club? If you still own the stock, it is a return of capital distribution. If you no longer own ...
2 messages
How to handle lawsuit income
How do I log a check from a shareholder class-action suit paid to the club?
1 message
club_cafe: Deductable Expense?
>>Our club is considering purchasing a laptop computer for our trading partners to utilize for club transactions. The use of the laptop will be at least 50% club business and more likely in the 90% range. I understand there is a category for Software Expense ...
1 message
Deductable Expense?
Our club is considering purchasing a laptop computer for our trading partners to utilize for club transactions. The use of the laptop will be at least 50% club business and more likely in the 90% range. I understand there is a category for Software Expense ...
1 message
Data Transfer
This may be of interest to those that are treasurers for other clubs. Mail Message Google Club Cafe Club Cafe Relax, sit down, and have a cappuccino. Use this discussion board to chat with members of the bivio club community. You'll find quite a few ...
1 message
Improved Spam Filter
We've upgraded our spam filter. By default the spam filter is turned on so you don't have to do anything to take advantage of this improvement. Cheers, Rob Nagler bivio Inc.
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Record Keeping
Hi- We recently signed up for the Account Sync feature with our ETrade account. Our account records are now really off and I have spent significant time trying to reconcile, but it has not helped much. Is there any way to make a "clean break" ...
2 messages
Unit Valuation Date
Rob, If I input a members payment on a date (a future valuation date), I still get units purchased. How is this possible? Will the units continue to update until the true valuation date arrives? Thanks in Advance
2 messages
how to handle partly paid securities??
Hi, our club purchased 300 shares @ 3.70 per share of a partly paid security February 04. A call was made December 04 for the remainder, $0.97 per share, so each share really cost $4.67. How can I handle this is bivio? Is there some ...
3 messages
Performance Improvement
We just released a major performance enhancement. You should see a signficant speed improvement on our more complex reports. We are still working on other upgrades which will be rolled out incremently throughout the month. Thank you for using bivio, Rob Nagler bivio Inc.
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