2004 Taxes and optionsXpress
We are very pleased to announce to the addition of optionsXpress
to our list of AccountSync brokers:

Even if you don't use options to consider optionsXpress. Their modern
interface is efficient and effective. They were listed as best
discount broker 2004 by Smart Money, #1 Online Broker 2003 & 2004 by
Barron's, and Forbes' Favorite Options Site 2004.

Also released this weekend were the IRS tax forms for 2004. If you
have a current subscription, you'll see 2004 appear in your
Accounting -> Taxes page. Please note that the K1 has a very
different format this year. To learn more, please read the IRS
instructions at:

Please note that you must wait until you receive your 1099(s) from
your broker(s) to audit your books. Financial institutions have until
January 31, 2005 to get them to you.

Thank you for using bivio,
Rob Nagler
bivio Inc.
Just did a quick look at the optionsXpress home page.

Commissions on stock trades are 14.95 for first thousand
shares plus .015 per share after that. This drops to 9.95
For Active Traders.

Mutual Fund transactions are 14.95 + any additional fees or

I'm still on my mission to get Brown added to AccountSync.
5.00 dollar trades for either stocks or mutual funds. No
share limit on stocks and no holding period for mutual

Service and execution are as good or better than I get with
my accounts at Ameritrade or Fidelity.

Vote for Brown!!! Thanks, Joe
Rob Nagler wrote:
> We are very pleased to announce to the addition of optionsXpress
> to our list of AccountSync brokers:
> Even if you don't use options to consider optionsXpress. Their modern
> interface is efficient and effective. They were listed as best
> discount broker 2004 by Smart Money, #1 Online Broker 2003 & 2004 by
> Barron's, and Forbes' Favorite Options Site 2004.
> Also released this weekend were the IRS tax forms for 2004. If you
> have a current subscription, you'll see 2004 appear in your
> Accounting -> Taxes page. Please note that the K1 has a very
> different format this year. To learn more, please read the IRS
> instructions at:
> Please note that you must wait until you receive your 1099(s) from
> your broker(s) to audit your books. Financial institutions have until
> January 31, 2005 to get them to you.
> Thank you for using bivio,
> Rob Nagler
> bivio Inc.