Mark Robertson analyzes MSFT
New article by Mark on Clubs, please try out the one-click SSG sharing and let me know what you think. Thanks Rajiv
1 message
Are there any clubs looking for members?
I am available to join an investment club. Are there any clubs that are accepting new members? References are available upon request.
7 messages
Difference in units
Our club just joined with bivio this past January. We were an already established club with equal partners, so we all have the same number of units. A new member recently joined and wanted to be a full member. On the day she gave me ...
1 message
Scottrade response to question
Rob, Thanks for your quick response! We will be making the move to Scottrade today. Love your sense of humor! Barbara L. Grove
1 message
Today is the first time I have read this section on Bivio, and I am not familiar with your Beta Test with Scottrade. Please explain. My club is using Waterhouse, but we have become unhappy with their service and "extra" charges. We would like to ...
2 messages
bivio Support
Hello All, I'm in the 90-day trial period with bivio and I couldn't be more pleased with the support received to date. Within about 30 days our clubs records with NAIC's nca system and bivio's reports match virtually perfectly. It's going to be easy to ...
2 messages
AccountSync & Scottrade?
Hi, I see Scottrade was recently added to the list of brokers for which bivio's AccountSync service is available. Has anyone tried this out yet? Mike Carroll Oro Valley, AZ
5 messages
club_cafe: Re: Re: How do you disband a club?
Generally, yes. When filing a short-year return, you use the previous year's forms, but indicate the short year via the date fields at the top of the forms. My only quibble is that your short year should begin 1/1/05 and not 12/31/04. I'm copying this ...
5 messages
Withdrawing member's tax consequence
When we transfer a stock to a withdrawing member, does BIVIO take care of figuring out the cost basis for the club and the K1 for the member at year end ?? Thanks, Jim Prescott ( Smartcash )
2 messages
For some reason, I have stopped being notified by email when there is a transaction in our account. I am listed as treasurer on the account and the co-treasurer still receives notices. I have gotten notices regularly for several years until the past few weeks. ...
2 messages
Caesars Resorts/ Harrahs
Our club had 100 shares of Caesar's Resorts which merged with Harrah's on June 20, 2005. In exchange for our 100 shares of Caesar's, we acquired $568 plus 22 shares of Harrah's. I recorded the merger, but, there wasn't any place to indicate the cash ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Re: How do you disband a club?
In a message dated 5/17/2005 7:27:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Exactly what steps do you take in the Bivio software to disband a club? Basically the same procedure as discussed in those articles. Sell all stocks that you aren't distributing to members. Record ...
3 messages
Dues and payment in one check
We pay our NAIC dues as a club. All members give me (the treasurer) a check for the NAIC dues along with their monthly payment. How do I split the check and show the dues before I write the check to NAIC. I can put ...
2 messages
club_cafe: fines
In a message dated 6/28/2005 9:39:27 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Ira, << Personally, I believe this is counterproductive. Members who make late payments are penalized already by owning a smaller share of the profits. >> While I agree with you that assessing a ...
2 messages
club_cafe: fines
In a message dated 6/28/2005 9:15:49 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Greetings! We have recently instituted a system of levying small fines to members whose payments are not on time. Any advice on how exactly to enter this in the accounting? Thanks in advance!! ...
2 messages