New Member Question - HELP
I just purchased a half-year subscription to do our taxes and to see how BIVIO works. I read the getting started materials and then attempted to create a new account. When I went to the section on editing the new account, I was able to ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Re: Initial Start Up Costs
>>Your expenses should always be drawn from each member equally. I disagree with this. If your PA calls for equal allocation, ok, but, in general, expenses should be allocated in proportion to each member's share of the club. Most expenses are CLUB expenses, not individual's ...
1 message
club_cafe: Re: Follow Up on Pengrowth "Dividends"
>>I am having a problem similar to the Pengrowth question with several stocks that our club owns. We unexpectedly received K-1's for these investments and I have asked Bivio if there is any way to enter the data from the K-1 to prepare our taxes. ...
1 message
club_cafe: Follow Up on Pengrowth "Dividends"
>>Apparently, since it is now non-reportable activity, the IRS will not see it as income and I will not need to enter it in the bivio accounting. Is that correct? No, it is not correct. What Scottrade is telling you is that THEY are not ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Transfer of stock
>>Ira on my second point. How about if the youngsters account is changed to: IN TRUST FOR: Would this make a difference? If it's in his SSN, it won't make a difference what it's titled. And, if it's in his SSN now, you may run ...
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Transfer of stock
Ira & Rip thanks for the info. Ira we know we can purchase the stock when it goes public. This is not the point . We feel we can purchase these shares at a better price before they hit the market. Ira on my second ...
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club_cafe: Transfer of stock
In a message dated 3/3/2005 1:05:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: There is a small local savings and loan that is going public. Depositers will get first crack at the available shares. We have a member that can purchase the shares. We want the ...
2 messages
Follow Up on Pengrowth "Dividends"
Thanks again guys for a prompt and spirited response to my post on Pengrowth "dividends." Because of all of your input I went to the Pengrowth web page and read all the documents for U.S. taxpayers. With not much hope of success, I called Scottrade ...
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Transfer of stock
There is a small local savings and loan that is going public. Depositers will get first crack at the available shares. We have a member that can purchase the shares. We want the member to purchase the shares in her name and have them transfered ...
1 message
club_cafe: Pengrowth "Dividends"
>>You do agree, don't you, that none of those dire things are going to happen if they just call the whole thing non-qualified dividends. Yes, my comment was a bit of intentional overreaction. If the cash received actually was a dividend or even related to ...
1 message
club_cafe: Pengrowth "Dividends"
>>Ira doesn't seem to agree, but I would enter the whole thing as non-qualified dividends. That way, you can take the foreign tax credit, your partners will be happy, and I can't believe even the IRS will be unhappy. Rip, You're right, I don't agree. ...
2 messages
Pengrowth "Dividends"
Many thanks for your previous rapid response to my query about how to handle Pengrowth "dividends" (see a 2-17-05 post titled "Scottrade 1099..."). I contacted Scottrade and they said that Pengrowth might reclassify that income in late March of this year. But, for now it ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Pengrowth "Dividends"
In a message dated 3/3/2005 9:24:27 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Many thanks for your previous rapid response to my query about how to handle Pengrowth "dividends" (see a 2-17-05 post titled "Scottrade 1099..."). I contacted Scottrade and they said that Pengrowth might reclassify ...
1 message
Unit based accounting
My club just switched to the unit system. That means that each individual can contribute as much as she wishes, and new members can "buy in" at a lower unit level. We may have different unit holdings, but we did agree to a "one man, ...
1 message
joining a club in the bay area
hi, i would be very interested in joing an existing investment club in san francisco i have some mutual funds now but want to learn and earn as i go thanks jim
2 messages