how to handle partly paid securities??
our club purchased 300 shares @ 3.70 per share of a partly
paid security February 04. A call was made December 04 for
the remainder, $0.97 per share, so each share really cost
$4.67. How can I handle this is bivio?

Is there some way I could use a loan account to handle the

I tried entering the original purchase @ 3.70 per share, but
bivio won't let me buy 0 shares @ 0.97 per share of the same
security for a total of $291 in Dec.

I also tried using a loan account so the original purchase
looks like 2 transactions.. A bank transaction for 4.67 per
share and a loan account xfer from the bank for .97 per
share. SO then the bank balances oK, and true price is
reflected in the share purchase. But now I have a +ve loan
balance. What I need is a -ve loan balance...really it's
money the company has loaned us...



If I understand you correctly, you could enter the paurchase as of February for 300 shares @ 4.67, using the suspense account for your cash a/c. This will put the entire amount in your suspense account as a liability. Then make a transfer from your cash a/c to the suspense account for $1,110 [representing 300 x 3.70]. So your cash a/c will be correct. Now, in December make a transfer from your cash a/c to your suspense a/c, wiping out the loan.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
Thanks Rip, worked a treat
happy investing

Mike :-)

Rip West wrote:
> Mike,
> If I understand you correctly, you could enter the
> paurchase as of February for 300 shares @ 4.67, using the suspense account for
> your cash a/c. This will put the entire amount in your suspense account as a
> liability. Then make a transfer from your cash a/c to the suspense account for
> $1,110 [representing 300 x 3.70]. So your cash a/c will be correct. Now, in
> December make a transfer from your cash a/c to your suspense a/c, wiping out the
> loan.
> Rip West
> Saint Paul, MN