Today is the first time I have read this section on Bivio,
and I am not familiar with your Beta Test with Scottrade.
Please explain.

My club is using Waterhouse, but we have become unhappy with
their service and "extra" charges. We would like to switch
to Scottrade, but love the Bivio accounting with Waterhouse.
We are not interested in returning to Ameritrade as we had a
complaint when we were with them orginally. We ended up
having to go to the FCC for resolution. We won.

Since there is a Scottrade office in our nearby town, we
were planning to meet with them to see if they could be
convenced into joining the Bivio system. If your Beta test
has already accomplished this, we will not need to make the
trip. If not, perhaps more clubs should sit down with their
local office. There is power in numbers, and I realized
that many of the Bivio customers are using Scottrade.

Barbara Grove, President
Money Matters Investment Club
Fairfield Glade, TN
Barbara L. Grove writes:
> Today is the first time I have read this section on Bivio,
> and I am not familiar with your Beta Test with Scottrade.
> Please explain.

AccountSync works with Scottrade today. The beta test was to test the
software before releasing it to all of our users. Whenever we add a
new broker to our list, we run a beta test to ensure our software is
working properly. This test usually lasts a few weeks.

I hope this clarifies the matter. No need to camp out in Scottrade
offices. :-)
