AccountSync & Scottrade?

I see Scottrade was recently added to the list of brokers
for which bivio's AccountSync service is available.

Has anyone tried this out yet?

Mike Carroll
Oro Valley, AZ
Mike Carroll writes:
> I see Scottrade was recently added to the list of brokers
> for which bivio's AccountSync service is available.
> Has anyone tried this out yet?

The Scottrade interface is in beta test. If you are interested in
being a beta tester, email


Thanks for the clarification. I want to let our investment
club's treasurer know about this, but I'll wait until it's
out of beta.

Mike Carroll
Oro Valley, AZ
How is the beta testing going with Scottrade? We are
considering a change from Waterhouse to Scottrade but one of
our members contacted Scottrade and were told that they were
not doing Account Sync with Bivio.

The fees are very attractive with Scottrade but we do not
want to make a change if there are issues with Account Sync
or with Scottrade in general. We plan to wait a while until
there is more experience but are interested in information
as it is available.
Sharon Pepper

Rob Nagler wrote:
> Mike Carroll writes:
> > I see Scottrade was recently added to the list of brokers
> > for which bivio's AccountSync service is available.
> >
> > Has anyone tried this out yet?
> The Scottrade interface is in beta test. If you are interested in
> being a beta tester, email
> Thanks,
> Rob
Sharon Pepper writes:
> How is the beta testing going with Scottrade?

We are in "general availability" now, that is, you can sign up, just
like normal.

> We are considering a change from Waterhouse to Scottrade

This is just my opinion, but you might want to consider waiting.
Waterhouse is merging with Ameritrade. The prices at Ameritrade are
lower ($11/trade) than Waterhouse. This is still higher than
Scottrade, but you won't have the transfer time to consider, usually
on the order of 4-6 weeks.

> our members contacted Scottrade and were told that they were not
> doing Account Sync with Bivio.

bivio is a "client program", just like MS Money and Quicken. The
folks at the front-desk don't have to support these programs. The
investment club market is rather small, which is why they don't know
about bivio. We have many customers using Scottrade.

Apologies for not sending an announcement that the Scottrade beta test
was over.

Rob Nagler
bivio Inc.