club_cafe: Import into BIVIO - A Spinoff Stock did not import
Bob , don't give up on the hunting and pecking. My husband started h & p a few years ago when he first started with the computer. He is pretty fast these days. Practice make faster even if you're using just 2 fingers. Liz Original ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Import into BIVIO - A Spinoff Stock did not import
By the way, for any other NJ folks who are not accountants, how do you do the NJ tax? I have been to both and the NJ site. I chose to work at the NJ site. I am having second thoughts but don't want ...
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club_cafe: Import into BIVIO - A Spinoff Stock did not import
Ira, You are a life saver. Question one: My we FINC's have dividends, a wee bit of interest, and a small profit from a sale. I have entries on line 5,6, 8, 12,14,16a &16b, 19a & b, and 21 a & a. Lines 22c-24 are ...
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club_cafe: Import into BIVIO - A Spinoff Stock did not import
Thanks. I think I have posted my NJ tax question on the Cafe board today. I have been back and forth so many times I confuse myself. Now that I am receiving these e-mails I am confuse about that. When I post on the Cafe ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Import into BIVIO - A Spinoff Stock did not import
In a message dated 3/14/2007 3:54:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Thanks. I think I have posted my NJ tax question on the Cafe board today. I have been back and forth so many times I confuse myself. Now that I am receiving these ...
1 message
club_cafe: Import into BIVIO - A Spinoff Stock did not import
Thanks, Bob. As long as I know that my receiving the e-mails doesn't mean that someone is relying on my knowledge. I was so thrilled that I got everything balanced and successfully navigated that fed tax program. Now I am at a loss. I know ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Import into BIVIO - A Spinoff Stock did not import
Thanks, Bob. I am happy to receive mail that will teach me something that I need to know. I just didn't want anyone to think I am one of the knowlegeable folks who so gratiously help us. Liz Original Message From: Rob Nagler <> To: ...
1 message
Speedy Rob!
Cheers, Rob! It is apparent that you are a much quicker typist than I am! By the time I had responded to Liz's message you had already pulled the trigger and hit the bullseye!!! Once, again, you have convincingly proven the point that the bivio ...
1 message
club_cafe: Import into BIVIO - A Spinoff Stock did not import
Frank, I am in a worse boat than you. All of my club accounting prior to 2005 when I joined Bivio is missing. I am still trying to retrieve it. This is the next major task after taxes are done. Of course Club accounting now ...
3 messages
Import into BIVIO - A Spinoff Stock did not import
When I imported data from Club Accounting 3.1 to Bivio, a spinn off stock did not show up in Bivio. We hold shares of the Spinoff, but it shows '0' shares in Bivio. Can you direct me propoer way to fix this? Frank U
2 messages
Difficulty setting up club
I just registered my club Temptations Investment Club and I think I entered it 3 times, one has Tempations Investment Club one says Temptations07747 I don't know how to cancel the incorrect ones. I am also having gret difficulty navigating Bivio. I knew at this ...
3 messages
Fee Allocation
I read somewhere in the past month a way to allocate expenses paid by one member to the other members. The purpose was to save the club writing checks to members to reimburse them for club expenses. Now I can't find where I read it. ...
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club_cafe: Allocating Commissions
In a message dated 3/11/2007 10:39:43 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: We are a new club (and I am a new treasurer) thinking of using, which charges $6.99 per month (covering up to 2 trades) and $2.99 for each additional trade within the ...
2 messages
Bivio Subscription
What's the best way to go about expensing the $99 club fee to all members. Say that one member puts the subscription on their credit card. Obviously, the club owe's them $99, minus their portion. Since the fee comes out of all member units, should ...
3 messages
withdrawing member
We have no cash! This is the first time we will need to sell stock to pay a withdrawing member. Best Advice? Also, what happens with any tax situation for the sale of stock? Who pays for that/how is it handled? Any suggestions would be ...
3 messages