Wash Sale
Does Bivio Automatically calculate the wash sale or do you
have to manually change the cost basis which would the
change what you bought the original stock for?
I see that no one has yet answered your question on wash sales. I suspect that the answer is that bivio doesn't automatically calculate the figures for you, but I am not sure.
If you have to make the entries manually, you might find the following article on the IClub website helpful. It was written for Club Accounting users, but you should be able to use it for bivio without too much effort.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
David Severance writes:
> Does Bivio Automatically calculate the wash sale or do you
> have to manually change the cost basis which would the
> change what you bought the original stock for?

Rip is correct. bivio doesn't handle wash sales. It's in our queue
to fix, but the are other items ahead of it.
