Interest posted twice
Bivio posted the interest from our broker twice. Should I just delete one of the entries?
2 messages
Deleting e-mail
How do you remove a message from Communications?
2 messages
Making the club site PUBLIC ??
I thought I followed all the instructions, but The Stockettes Investment Club still is not public. When I log out, it is not on the list. I did NOT make a web page; it seemed other clubs only had the file list, and that's what ...
5 messages
club_cafe: Club tax records
In a message dated 6/30/2007 8:04:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: We have paper records from 1996 to present. 1. How many years of records do we need to keep? 2. What do we need to keep in paper? Same as your personal tax ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Steps to Shutdown an Investment Club via Bivio?
In a message dated 8/23/2007 1:03:50 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Hello - Would someone please provide me a play by play of how-to shutdown/closeout an investment club via bivio, and all the other steps needed to file for tax purposes, too? The instructions ...
1 message
Steps to Shutdown an Investment Club via Bivio?
Hello - Would someone please provide me a play by play of how-to shutdown/closeout an investment club via bivio, and all the other steps needed to file for tax purposes, too? I have already liquidated the portfolio and I just need the proper functions to ...
2 messages
Merging two members into one?
Hi -- Hope this isn't a foolish question, but I'll admit I'm a newbie not only to Bivio but to investment clubs in general. But I suddenly find myself tasked with trying to determine how to merge two members into one, so to speak. Our ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Merging two members into one?
> Our club has decided to double everyone's monthly contributions, which was fine with everyone -- except for one couple who wanted to keep them at the same level. The suggestion came up that if they simply became one member putting in $50 instead of ...
1 message
Switching brokers & account sync
Our club is considering switching froEtrade to Scottrade. We need to know if account sync will work with scottrade as it does with etrade. Or, will there be complications in switching and in using account sync with Scottrade?
2 messages
ShareBuilder is an AccountSync Broker
We're happy to let you know that ShareBuilder customers can now use our automatic broker import feature. Just click on "info" next to your account name on the Accounting > Accounts page. You can then select ShareBuilder and enter our login info. Cheers, Rob
1 message
Questions: do i need to do this?
I'm looking at the "don't do that" presentation on iclub about CAO in bivio, is this automatic or do I need to enter it, and if so, where?: DON'T 1. ...forget to enter your monthly valuations The consequences Your unit value won't change Any new ...
5 messages
club_cafe: Questions: do i need to do this?
In a message dated 8/16/2007 9:26:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I'm looking at the "don't do that" presentation on iclub about CAO in bivio, is this automatic or do I need to enter it, and if so, where?: DON'T 1. ...forget to enter ...
1 message
club_cafe: Re: out of state potential member/s?
I don't know how the NC tax department works, but most won't know what to do with an unexpected letter. It's probably much simpler to just not file. If/when they notice that you haven't filed and send a letter asking for your return, you can ...
1 message
club_cafe: Re: out of state potential member/s?
In a message dated 8/11/2007 1:05:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: My Investment Club is in North Carolina and we have to file an income tax form to the State. I file a D-403 Partnership Income Tax Return and I include 403 part 3.A. ...
4 messages
club_cafe: Re: out of state potential member/s?
In a message dated 8/10/2007 10:40:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Ira, I get chills thinking about doing taxes for the club (rather, helping the treasurer, neither of us has any clue to complleting taxes) Makes me want to disband the club to avoid ...
5 messages