Account Sync
hi, i have a question concerning account sync. Exactly how does Bivio's account sync. track individual payment from club members to the broker? Thanks in advance .
2 messages
change past months price per share of stock
Broker & Bivio show slightly different price per share for 05/31/07 Valuation Statement for 2 stocks. Broker shows 42.288 and Bivio shows 42.2900 and other stock shows Broker 26.911 and Bivio shows 26.91. Why did Bivio show a dfifferent price per share for this month ...
2 messages
club_cafe: change past months price per share of stock
In a message dated 10/16/2007 1:56:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Broker & Bivio show slightly different price per share for 05/31/07 Valuation Statement for 2 stocks. Broker shows 42.288 and Bivio shows 42.2900 and other stock shows Broker 26.911 and Bivio shows 26.91. ...
1 message
qualified dividend
Our club bought Jack Henry shares in April, 2007. Why does the 9/21 dividend not show up as a qualified dividend? It just shows up as a dividend. Nadine Compeer Investment Club
2 messages
400 transaction limit per annum for AccountSync
My thread titled "15 month free trial with 400 transactions" has turned into a discussion of delinquent members and late fees, so I'm starting a new thread to address some of Bob Hooper's questions. These are not in the order in which he asked them. ...
11 messages
TDA / Bivio Synchronization
Rob, I read your response that Bivio enhances its software app to accept the changes of the brokers, but the balances still do not match. The rounding (I was told by on of your reps) is not the same as Ameritrade. Please advise us if ...
2 messages
CAH Seurities Litigation
Our club received notice of possible settlement in a case involving Cardinal Health--you know, the big thick legalese envelope. Anyway, it appears our club may qualify to participate in the award, small as it may be. Some of our club members are urging me to ...
2 messages
Investment club education
Hello everybody, I wanted to get some input in regards to the beginning educational learning of an investment club. I'm getting an investment club started with several friends and family members and I am pretty much the only one with general experience with investing and ...
4 messages
TDA / Bivio Synchronization
Rob, I read your response that Bivio enhances its software app to accept the changes of the brokers, but the balances still do not match. The rounding (I was told by on of your reps) is not the same as Ameritrade. Please advise us if ...
1 message
Bivio account and Etrade stmt don't match
I have trouble every month getting my Bivio account to match my E-Trade statement. I was able to change the stock quote used in the account valuation report (month end summary report) in the IClub accounting package, but don't know how to do this in ...
6 messages
TDAmeritrade/ Accountsync
On the TDA website is a note to users of quicken that some changes need to be made re the TDWaterhouse -Ameritrade merge of web sites this summer. I remember reading that bivio uses a quicken format to search for transactions. Do we need to ...
2 messages
Paid to Manage Club?
Does anyone know whether it is legal to get paid to manage a investment club? Thanks
3 messages
club_cafe: Paid to Manage Club?
In a message dated 10/9/2007 4:29:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I get paid a percentage plus performance bonuses to manage the investments a club/partnership. I don't remember the exact numbers but it was something like 25 million or more than 100 people before ...
1 message
club_cafe: Paid to Manage Club?
In a message dated 10/9/2007 3:57:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Does anyone know whether it is legal to get paid to manage a investment club? What do you mean by "manage"? Do you mean "act as treasurer" or do you mean "manage the ...
1 message
club_cafe: Re: Hey Rip...
In a message dated 10/8/2007 8:08:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: larry r wilder writes: > I don't understand 5% a week is nothing why do you think 5% > a month is such a big deal?? 5%/month implies an AIRR of about 80%. ...
2 messages